Eternal Crusade: Into the Warp 99 “Blight Grenades”

Papa Nurgle has some fun new toys – plus a bunch of balance and cosmetic tweaks, too!
via Eternal Crusade
ESRB 16 – Visit for rating information.
Brent Ellison, Nathan Richardsson, and Katie Fleming recently gave a Production Update (balance revamp updates, new character selection scene, the new Blight grenade, and the Top 10 Player Priorities results), played live with the Warriors of Prophecy, and finished up with Q&A!
Work in Progress Shots
Blight Grenades in Action:
The crew at Behaviour is working on adding some new Character setup screens for each faction. You can see the test screens above. The monitors in the background will have moving assets on them as well to reflect the technology of your race/character. They sound like they will be pretty cool once they are done. It’s just one more quality-of-life improvement they are working on.
They are also working on balance changes and tweaks which they cover in more detail in the video so I won’t re-hash all those. But, yes, the dev’s know about a lot of the issues the players have been having and they are working on it. The new Blight Grendade was also showcased and you can see the actual grendane in the screen shots above – it’s the green/glowy skull. The particle effects from the grenade going off are also pretty cool to see in action.
As always, if you want to jump in and battle in the 40k setting you can pick-up your copy of Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade today on PC.
Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade