Fracturing of Biel-Tan: New Characters Background

Today we get more info and history on the new Eldar Triumvirate headed our way next week!
Fracturing of Biel-Tan is going up for pre-sale this weekend and there is already information swirling on exactly what is going to happen in the book. White Dwarfs are getting into reader hands around the world and some gamers are spilling the beans on what’s up with the three new beautiful Eldar characters within.
You were warned…
images via Scanner 1-31-2017
So the Yncarne IS the Avatar of Ynnead, and is apparently initially birthed in the Dark City, then makes it’s way back to Biel-Tan. Note the use us both “He” AND “She” to describe the new being.
Yvraine is a Wych – with a very different sense of fashion than Lelith. As we find out in the section below, she used to be both a Warlock and a Dire Avenger. The lady get’s around..
REALLY interesting background. An exarch who FORSAKES his dire Avenger temple and follows after his lost love, ermmm pupil. He follows her to the Drk City, kills an Incubi to claim the Sword of Psychic Screams and now follows the new avatar of Ynnead – or is he just following his heart…
Apparently the Eldar ARE the melodramatic race.
~ Get your wallets ready for this weekend!