GMM: Once Upon A Time in the Wyrd

Why howdy par’ners! Today we’ve got a bit of Mailifaux with a western vibe, mixed with the dark and spooky flavor the game.
It’s been two shakes of a rattler’s tail and I’m back with a new project, and a whole mess o’ varmints, outlaws, and weirdos. This sleepy little mountain town litr’y ain’t big enough for all of ’em. Tarnation, etc.
Little bit of Mailifaux with a western vibe, mixed with the dark and spooky flavor the game is known for. Another set of models with a lot of variety, each little subsection painted separately but using a rough chunk of the same core colors.
The block of skirmish games is over for just a minute, on to a big Orruk army and then some Eldar. See ya then, cowpoke.
As always for the rest of the gallery, or more images of other projects, feel free to visit me elsewhere:
~See ya soon partners!