PP: Grymkin: The Wicked Harvest Revealed

Privateer Press has unleashed a new faction into the world of the Iron Kingdom – The Grymkin are coming!
Are you ready for the stuff of folklore and nightmares? Privateer Press sure hopes so because things are about to get CREEPY. In a new video from Privateer Press, a new faction for Hordes has been unveiled. Welcome the Grymkin:
Privateer Press reveals Grymkin: The Wicked Harvest, the new faction for HORDES! Grymkin arrive at Lock & Load GameFest 2017 July 14th – 16th.
Below are some teasers from the video. This new faction is fully fleshed out…
Skin and Moans
Cage Rager
Hollow Men
Dread Rots
Piggy Backs
Witch Wood
This new faction also has some new twisted rules to play by as well:
There are 5 “Defiers” for this faction. In the video we get hints at what they can each do:
The Child
The Dreamer
The Heretic
The Wanderer & King of Nothing
Apparently, the Old Witch Zevanna Agha had something to do with them being released…and she’s back with some help from a new and improved Scrapjack: