Primarchs, Custodes, Eldar, X-Wing & More OH MY!

A tidal wave of new minis rules and rumors landed this weekend from GW. Get ready!
GW: New Releases February 5 “Pricing & Links”
The Gathering Storm II: Fracture of Biel-Tan is here – and a whole lot more!
40K: The Gathering Storm – The Emperor Is Dead; Long Live…
If I had a wish list for Gathering Storm, this would be at the top: the Emperor of Mankind dead and buried.
Horus Heresy Weekender: Inferno Minis & More
The Horus Heresy Weekender 2017 is going on in Nottingham and the minis and info is flowing!
X-Wing Wave 10 Cleared for Landing
FFG Wave 10 for X-Wing has landed at a store near you.
Horus Heresy Weekender: More Minis!
The Horus Heresy Weekender 2017 is going on in Nottingham and the minis and info is flowing!
D&D: Dice, Camera, Action with Chris Perkins
Come adventure with this week’s live-play through of Storm King’s Thunder – Episode 34
40K: Gathering Storm II – Rules Preview
Previews abound on the Ynternet this weekend. The rules look Ynteresting…
40K: Guilliman is Going to be SO PISSED!
The Ultramarine Primarch is pulling a 10,000 year Rip Van Winkle – and he is NOT going to like what he finds when he awakens.
~Ok, you’re all caught up – onto the week.