Privateer: New Rules & Cards Updates

Privateer shares the latest updates and errata – including some changes for Una the Skyhunter.
Marketing manager Jackson Wood offers some details…
What an exciting time to be a member of the WARMACHINE and HORDES community! We’ve recently announced that we’d be moving toward Community Integrated Development and removing cards from our packaged models so that we can make ongoing improvements to the games without hamstringing ourselves with physical products.
Given that this is our first true dynamic update, we wanted to make it clear that we’ve had our eye on Una the Skyhunter and The High Reclaimer for a while now. Although we didn’t manage to get them into our last set of errata, both models and the meta around them remained in the forefront of our minds. Now you have the opportunity to see what these dynamic updates will look like and how we hope to approach these kinds of issues in the future.
Don’t fret—these updates will be limited in scope and frequency, and their purpose is solely to correct problems that we find are hindering your gaming experience. Some of these errata will be more on the clerical side, simply clarifying rules language to bring it in line with the original intent, and some will address rules or models (or theme forces) that are significantly out of line with the power curve of the games as a whole. These updates are always aimed at improving the game for everyone, and we will strive to make sure they occur only when truly necessary. Our goal, as always, is to make the best game we possibly can so that we can all enjoy ourselves.
That said, check out the links below for the new errata (including updated theme forces) and the awesome Developer’s Notes written by Will Pagani to give you some insight into what’s behind these changes.
February 2017 Dynamic Update Developer’s Notes
Updated Theme Forces Document
Updated Errata Document
Updated Cards Page