ToyLand: Dungeon Master Lego

We need to make this Lego set happen!
The set according to its creator, Ymarilego:
I am glad you found your way to this fantasy set with a multitude of options. Three brave heroes await your story. No one knows what adventures they will have, no one know what dangers or monsters they will encounter on their journeys and quests.
With this set you can create your own dungeons and lairs for the heroes to investigate. There are dozens of possible layouts and setups. You can place the rooms in any sequence desired to create the lair you like.
Six minifigures of different monsters/villains can be placed in your dungeon for you heroes to combat. There are also several smaller creatures already in the rooms that can of course be placed where desired.
The rooms are 8×8 studs, the lairs 16×16; and the set contains around 3,000 pieces that can be used to create a wide variety of maps. Adventures can also be changed up with a variety of minifigs…
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