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Warhammer Quest: The Realmgates of Hammerhal

3 Minute Read
Feb 26 2017
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The Realmgates to Hammerhal have opened. Enter, and see what lurks in the shadows of the Twin-Tailed City…

That’s right, the gates of Hammerhal are officially open for business. Inside you’ll find all manner of inns, reveries, merchants, and mayhem, as a twisted Chaos sorcerer allies himself with the followers of the Ruinous Powers in an attempt to waken a slumbering god.

via Warhammer Community

That’s right adventurers, you can now explore the great Twin-tailed City of Hammerhal. We’re not gonna lie, though, it’s not the nice parts of it – mostly, you’ll be exploring the gritty underbelly of the Cinderfall district and the labyrinth that lies below it.

There’s a lot to love about this game. We’ve already given you a look inside, and talked about some of the heroes of Hammerhal. And now the game is officially out and there’s a pretty sweet trailer that talks about the shadow that lies over Hammerhal.

We’ve had a chance to demo the game a little, and let me say, it’s a ton of fun. The combat flows pretty nicely, and the new heroes are a ton of fun to mess around with. And since the game is compatible with Silver Tower, you’ve got no shortage of heroes and villains to use. And, as they’ve pointed out before, there are lots of ways to expand your game, either by adding new enemy types, or using the tiles and the rules laid out in the game to create your own maps and adventures.


Now, mind you this isn’t as in-depth as Warhammer Fantasy RP (though news on that will probably be forthcoming a little later), but it does evoke the best feelings of the grand old HeroQuest days, when they gave you a blank map to populate with all the furniture, doors, and Chaos Warriors you could scrape together.

And since you can upgrade your heroes with skills and extra powers, the game invites a continued, campaign-style play. At any rate, I’m hopeful to see how they keep developing this line. Since they added the GM back in, and are kind of expanding the reach of the game to include a little more trouble to get into when you’re not in the map, I think it’ll be neat to see what expansions we can expect a little down the line.


More Duardin, if there’s any justice in the world.

Until then, I’ll be hopping behind the clockwork axe of the Cogsmith and hewing my way through the forces of chaos.

~The city needs you, heroes. How will you answer the call? How long until someone does a HeroQuest -> Warhammer Quest conversion module?

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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