Warmachine Errata: Circle-Menoth & More Review

Privateer finally ended the Una2 crusade, leaving a stream of bodies, broken dreams, and noob wins behind her. Here’s the errata breakdown.
Warmahordes FAQ February 2017
Tuna Errata:
Una2 was arguably a terrible play experience that I never want to repeat. When I was making tournament lists for Las Vegas open for my menoth last month I realized I had big problem. A majority of my casters had no game into Tuna. Rhoven and Honor Guard with a Reckoner would be lucky to kill 1 griffon reliably. Griffons threaten just as far as my Flamebring cavalry… What is a crusading sermon giving Menite to do. In reality Kreoss1 was an ok drop into Circle. The only problem is I hate playing him. He is a backline caster that is the definition of a 1 trick. To my dismay LVO was won by Una2. It leaves a bad taste in your mouth when 90% of your casters are useless vs 1.
What happened?
Una2 feat is now only during her turn instead of the round. Meaning that the griffons can still charge into all the crazy places but, they are no longer immune to the counterstrike that is inevitable to come.
As in PP fashion they overreacted and also nerfed the Scarsfell griffon and took away long leash… Making Una1 pretty much unplayable. I still think Circle is the best faction by far, but I am so happy this change came so soon. I was worried it might take 6months to a year until we got this errata.
High Reclaimer:
High Reclaimer was doing Lich2 things of MK2 past. Lich2 was the most nerfed model in PP history in MK2. So as no surprise they reigned in High Reclaimers feat a little bit. Before the errata you could kill your own models to just use them again the same turn. Meaning your opponent was dammed if he killed them or dammed if he didn’t. Now you have to wait a round before they become eligible for the feat.
Another thing that was really increasing the threat was the command range. Bringing back a officer could make the feat far reaching. Now the models all have to be brought back in a specific area in the area. No more daisy chaining exemplars for miles.
Mortenebra Love:
Deryliss lost the crappy spell slave and gained some jack power ups and a nuke:
- Doom Spiral (★Attack) – Doom Spiral is a RNG 8, POW 12 magic that is ok nuke.
- Empower (★Action) – If you run a jack marshal and 2 ww Sirens you can now fully load it up with 3 focus.
- Tune Up [Faction warjack] (★Action) – this is really good on a collosal as it boosts the whole template.
Theme Force Changes:
The theme forces received a little tweaking.
- Storm Division: Stormcallers are now free if you buy enough storm knight.
- Winter Guard Kommand: No more sac pawn on the gun carriage. Only heavies can advance move so no more old witch feating 30″ up the board turn 1.
- Operating Theater: Captain Sam can jack marshal a warjack
Revenant’s Final Thought:
I am happy to see the living rulebook ideal being put into action. Una2 was a cancer and I am glad it was removed. Let us see if PP can keep up the balance while not scaring players with constant changes. Even so it keeps the meta fresh. Grade A+
Read more about the errata on the PP site.
What do you think of the changes BoLS? Show us where Una2 touched you, this is a safe place. Please share in the comments below.