Warmachine: Retribution Helios Synergies
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Today we check out Helios’ caster synergies for Retribution’s brand new colossal.
Guest Author: JonV
Listed in order of my preference of casters with Helios:
A Trio of Casters & Lists
Vyros2: In the new meta of MK3 with a free power boost and the additional focus from force gate all of your jacks have 2 focus which is nuts. In the current meta the Griffons with and Deceleration your opponents are going to have an extremely tough time shooting your army off the board, looking at you Sloan. Here is a fun new take on the old griffon spam list so time to dust off those Griffons we all bought in MK2.
Theme: Forges of War
75 / 75 Army
Vyros, Incissar of the Dawnguard – WJ: +27
– Sylys Wyshnalyrr, The Seeker – PC: 0
– Helios – PC: 34 (Battlegroup Points Used: 27)
– Griffon – PC: 8 x 8
Arcanist Mechanik – PC: 0
Arcanist Mechanik – PC: 2
House Shyeel Artificer – PC: 0
Arcanist Mechanik – PC: 2
Helynna: In the same feel and flavor as Vyros2 I continued the spam and anti-shooting flavor but added more guns that can hit back. Helynna’s Hand of Destruction or a lucky force strike increases the effectiveness of Helios’ gun allowing you to pull your prey in more easily. Again a them force and again spam.
Theme: Forges of War
75 / 75 Army
Magister Helynna – WJ: +30
– Helios – PC: 34 (Battlegroup Points Used: 30)
– Phoenix – PC: 18
House Shyeel Artificer – PC: 0
– Hydra – PC: 15
House Shyeel Artificer – PC: 0
– Hydra – PC: 15
Arcanist Mechanik – PC: 0
Arcanist Mechanik – PC: 2
House Shyeel Battle Mages – Leader & 5 Grunts: 10
– Soulless Escort – PC: 1
House Shyeel Battle Mages – Leader & 5 Grunts: 10
Thyron: This just seems fun. The threat range on Imperatus can get potentially out of control with Helios’ gun. Since Helios’ gun is the only ranged weapon in Retribution without magical damage Spellpiercer allows you to drag those pesky Menoth jacks in no problem. Assail is also helios’s friend increasing his threat range and making him even more of a melee power house on feat turn.
75 / 75 Army
Thyron, Sword of Truth – WJ: +27
– Imperatus – PC: 22
– Helios – PC: 34 (Battlegroup Points Used: 27)
Arcanist Mechanik – PC: 2
Dawnguard Sentinels – Leader & 9 Grunts: 18
– Dawnguard Sentinel Officer & Standard – Officer & Standard: 4
Dawnguard Sentinels – Leader & 9 Grunts: 18
– Dawnguard Sentinel Officer & Standard – Officer & Standard: 4
The Others…
Elara: This is my 4th favorite caster for Helios boundless charge and scything touch adds for some incredible threat and damage output. Most of the time I use the gun to maneuver things in a way to set up better assassinations for my army or even Elara herself. The tool box Helios brings paired with Elara is just fun.
Vyros1: Birds Eye + mobility allows you to have some interesting and fun trick shots with his gun as well as a speed 7 colossal is never a bad thing. The new power feat Vyros1 has taken Helios’ fists to a realm of ridiculousness.
Kaelyssa: Having a colossal that cannot be targeted by spells is always nice as well as her phantom shots ability to allow you to have a chance to pull a caster out from behind a wall can lead to a very effective and fun assassination.
Ravyn: Is a fun choice to add Helios to her feat increases the effectiveness of Helios’ gun and if you bring a banshee to engineer a knock down you can trivially set Helios threat range to a respectable 19 inches. By charging/trampling forward and dragging your prey 9 inches forward after hitting them 3 times with the gun you have a very dead target.
Issyria: No damage and only one shot on the tractor beam leaves me thinking I’d rather have Hyperion.
Ossyan: The short range, and no damage do not lend to quicken or his feat having a lot of effect on Helios, means Hyperion is the better choice if reaching for a colossal.
Kaelyssa: Having a colossal that cannot be targeted by spells is always nice as well as her phantom shots ability to allow you to have a chance to pull a caster out from behind a wall can lead to a very effective and fun assassination.
Rahn: The master of moving your opponent’s models doesn’t need the help. Outside of the nice fists the only real benefit I see of taking Helios over Hyperion here is the 2-point discount.
Garryth: Nope, although there might be something said about sentry?
~What is your favorite Helios pairing? Please share in the comments below.