Wyrd: World Wide Event & Teaser

Wyrd is back with another World Wide Event: A Stitch in Time plus another new model preview!
Last year’s World Wide Event was all about Nythera. The results of that event have brought us Dr. Alexi Sokoloff. Now Wyrd is doing it again – who’s going to get a new character this time around?
via Wyrd Games
On February 13th, we are launching the next Through the Breach Worldwide Event: A Stitch in Time.
If you’ve ever been curious about Through the Breach, this is a great time to whet your appetite and take a look! The adventures come with quick play rules and pre-generated characters, so even players without prior experience can participate in the event. All you need is a few decks of cards and a group of adventurous friends!
In order to participate, the player who wants to serve as Fatemaster (or narrator) for their group must sign up here. Fatemasters can sign up for A Stitch in Time at any point up through March 26th. At that point, new Fatemasters will no longer be able to join the event.
When A Stitch in Time launches, everyone who has signed up for the adventure will be given access to a special forum on our website. This forum will contain the quick play rules, the pregenerated characters, and the first Act of the adventure. Players must use the provided pregenerated characters when playing through the adventure in order for the session to count toward the Worldwide Event results, and any characters that are killed cannot be used in subsequent sessions (on account of being dead). Players are free to swap between characters from one Act to another, though of course, most people prefer to stick with one character the whole way through!
AdvertisementAt the end of the session, the Fatemaster simply logs the results in a simple form, including the names of their players, which characters they chose to play, which faction the Fatemaster wishes to support, and how the adventure went. Fatemasters have until May 21st to report their sessions.
Every three weeks, the next Act of A Stitch in Time, along with advanced versions of the pregenerated characters, will be made available to participating Fatemasters, according to the following schedule:
- February 13th: Act I
- March 6th: Act II
- March 26th: Last Day for Fatemaster sign up.
- March 27th: Act III
- April 17th: Act IV
- May 21st: Last day to report sessions
At the end of A Stitch in Time, the number of times each character was played in each Act will be tabulated and added to the faction votes of the Fatemasters. The Faction (Guild, Arcanists, Resurrectionists, Neverborn, Outcasts, Gremlins, Ten Thunders) that was played the most often will receive a special storyline boon as a result of the event.
Dr. Alexei Sokoloff
AdvertisementIn the Nythera Worldwide Event, Dr. Alexei Sokoloff was the most popular character. His accomplishments in uncovering the secrets of Nythera have not gone unnoticed, and the Arcanists are preparing to make him a much more active part of their organization.
A new model is on the line…which faction is going to come out ahead this year?!