X-Wing Wave 10 Cleared for Landing

FFG Wave 10 for X-Wing has landed at a store near you.
Star Wars X-Wing Wave 10 has shipped! Let’s give you a quick rundown of what’s headed to your tabletop pilots:
Sabine’s TIE Fighter $14.95
“The ubiquitous TIE fighter was one of the Empire’s most common symbols of oppression. When one of these nimble crafts fell into the hands of Rebel saboteur and artist Sabine Wren, she knew exactly how to customize it for use against the Empire. Brilliantly repainted and retooled, the TIE fighter from the Sabine’s TIE Fighter Expansion Pack for X-Wing™ comes with four unique ship cards and six upgrades, including the Sabine’s Masterpiece Title, which allows your Rebels to outfit the ship with crew and illicit upgrades.”
First off we have Sabine’s TIE Fighter. And yes, that’s a Rebel dial you’re seeing! Taken from the Rebels TV show we see the return of Sabine Wren to the tabletop in a brand new TIE fighter repaint that comes with some VERY nice tricks.
Not only is this the first TIE ship the Rebels have access to, but now the Rebels also have access to an illicit upgrade slot! That opens up some interesting options…
Upsilon-class Shuttle $39.95
“Make your opponents fear the First Order and the dark side of the Force with the Upsilon-class Shuttle Expansion Pack for X-Wing™! It features one pre-painted, large-base miniature of the sleek, predatory shuttle that the First Order typically used to escort its high-ranking officers. Boasting both powerful weapons and shields, the shuttle also comes with a full complement of fifteen upgrades. These include advanced new technologies as well as the dark side warrior Kylo Ren, who allows you to hinder your foes with his associated condition, I’ll Show You the Dark Side.”
Kylo Ren is showing up in the new Upsilon-class shuttle. Not only is it a new beefy shuttle, it introduces new “conditions” to the game as well.
Kylo Ren basically gets to search the deck for the critical effect he would like you to have. Ouch!
Quadjumper $14.95
“First appearing in The Force Awakens, the quadjumper arrives to X-Wing™ as a Scum and Villainy ship, full of new maneuvers and dirty tricks. In addition to its pre-painted quadjumper miniature, the Quadjumper Expansion Pack allows you to militarize this typically unarmed ship with four Scum pilots and eight upgrades. These include new crew members, illicit technologies, and a modification that grants extra versatility to your tractor beam tokens. Finally, a unique elite pilot talent and associated condition help your elite pilots pay back their debts against those who have done them wrong.”
We didn’t get to see the Quadjumper do much besides … well *BOOM* so I’ll skip that … Anyways, it’s coming to a Tabletop near you and it’s bringing the AMAZING BoShek with it:
He’s all tricksy all the time Look here for a full rundown of the shenanigans he will let you pull.
These are on store shelves NOW. Pilots to your starfighters!