40K RUMORS: Guilliman Planning NEW Space Marines

You need to read these latest set of marine rumors, from one of the community’s oldest most reliable rumormongers.
For years and years, 75Hastings69 has been a bellwether for the 40K rumorsphere. He has a reputation for calling things correctly months out. He’s chimed up over the last few days with what he says is coming to the grimdark later this year in the aftermath of the Gathering Storm series:
It sounds like Guilliman has some big plans for NEW space marines for the Imperium.
New Space Marines?!
info via 75Hastings69 (DISQUS)
“I wouldn’t be expecting too much in the way of releases for existing chapters from this point going forwards, not that there won’t be ‘some’, expect the focus to shift onto GW pumping out RGs new armies and weapons of destruction for the upcoming storylines/advances/crusade mk2 😉 (who knows there might even be a new starter box on the not too far horizon 😉 )
Without trying to sound like a dick I’ve known for almost 9 months where this story was going and who revived RG etc. if the rest of what I was told is true (new marines, Mortarion and his plague armies etc.) then there are truly some very exciting times coming for 40k players/hobbyists!
…Imagine how the sigmarines are to the standard empire soldier. Wouldn’t it be a weird twist of fate if AoS copy pasted space marines into the fantasy setting as Sigmar’s answer to chaos always winning, that somehow w40k kind of copy pasted the end times and reboot of fantasy AoS into 40k with the same fundamental idea….. hence new marines will spearhead offensive for the emperor following on from current w40k fluff events/outcome.
Advertisement…New marines will make old marines seem like empire now seem to sigmarines …… if that makes sense?
…I’m not suggesting anything gets squatted. I said clearly focus will be on new marines rather than existing chapters, but existing chapters will still get releases.
I don’t get it, people are happy they’re moving the story/timeline on but don’t want anything to change, they want just their chapter to get new toys yet complain SM have too much, 40k players should think themselves lucky that they didn’t get the same treatment that WFB fans did with the destruction of the setting and large parts of models/armies. What’s the point of the hobby for Bret or tomb kings players?
I see new marines as a chance to have the best of both worlds, SM originals don’t get endless variants and units but are still in the fight, new marines are like a new army to build up from scratch pretty much, I’m sure they’d happily ally so don’t really see what the problem is.
…The answer to that is simply I don’t know. I was told they new marines are different to current marines, I imagine (at least fluff wise) they SHOULD be their own army, however that’s not to say they wont also be added to existing chapters as a choice somehow, in fact from a sales point of view it would probably be better to offer them to existing marine players as something new they can buy. I really doubt the iconic space marine kit will be retired so I wouldn’t worry too much about them becoming outdated. I guess fluffwise it would be no different than older armour classes still being around in 40k, sure the new marines would be out there, but a lot of existing marines are still out there too.”
We know that there have been hints for months of some “secret plan” on Mars being unleashed to thwart the advances of Chaos. We have Roboute Guilliman rising to lead the Imperium and take the fight to the galaxy. If you put these things together, you have the opportunity for a new model range. I think most players would admit that the classic Space Marine range is getting a bit old and tired. For 40k’s 30th Anniversary, I could see GW taking the chance to introduce an entirely new range that every Imperial player could collect. After all, what’s more exciting than Space Marines? NEW SUPERIOR different looking Space Marines!
~ What do you think “new improved Space Marines” would look like?