40K: Tartaros Terminator Rules Confirmed

The Tartaros Terminators are hitting shelves this weekend – come take a look at their rules!
The Mark III Power Armor and Tartaros Terminators from Burning of Prospero are getting their own kits from Games Workshop. Those kits are scheduled to hit shelves this weekend but some folks have gotten their hands on them early. Take a look at these rules for the latest Terminator release:
via Scanner
In a weird twist, this kit will allow loyalist Marines to get their hands on a weapon that has been almost exclusively Chaos Space Marine turf for years: The Reaper Autocannon. Now, the argument can be made that because these are base on Pre-Heresy tech that it fits – I get that. But that’s still got to rub a bit of salt on that wound for CSM players out there.
But that’s not all these new Terminators are getting – the Plasma Blaster and Volkite Charger are also options for the Tartaros. The Deflagrate rule will help out quite a bit vs lightly armored infantry. And lets not discount the extra hits from the Grenade Harness. It’s not amazing but 2 shot “Blast” could score you quite a few extra hits – wounding is another matter…
While these models are certainly Horus Heresy transfers they are getting the 40k treatment for their rules. They will come with “ATSKNF” as well as Chapter Tactics and Combat Squads. Their armor might be ancient but their rules won’t be! Also, because they are wearing Tartaros Terminator armor they will have Deep Strike, Relentless, Bulky and a 5+ invulnerable save.
Will these replace your standard Terminator Squads? I’ll leave that up to you to decide for yourself. I think they give shooty Terminators a run for their money but trading an Assault Cannon for a Reaper Autocannon might sting. And when it comes to assaulting they are still terminators with Power Fists standard…take that for what it’s worth.
Tartaros Terminators $60
“Tactical Dreadnought Armour, or Terminator Armour as it is more usually known, is the most resilient form of personal protection available to the Adeptus Astartes. Originally developed during the closing years of the Great Crusade, and adapted from the heaviest of industrial gear, several types and patterns were developed concurrently. Perhaps the most advanced form is the Tartaros pattern, allowing for greater mobility than other examples of Terminator armour with no loss in durability or protection.”
Tartaros Terminators – available in stores Saturday!