AoS RUMORS: Skaven Digging Away

What’s that rustling sound under the rumorfloor? An oldtime rumormeister has some scoop on the return of the nefarious ratmen.
via 75hastings69
“I am expecting Skaven later this year, and as far as I know there will be “some” repacks but also plenty of nasty new additions (I seem to recall it’s much more of a Skyre type affair this time around with new technologies/weapons etc.) but I wouldn’t be surprised to see some new plague monk type things. These currently seem to be the favoured skaven subfactions for GW, hopefully the new book will clarify what Skaven are like in the new setting and their backstory from leaving the old world and what they’ve done since arrival etc.”
There has been word from some time that the reimagined Aelfs are coming after the Kharadron Overlords, but that would still leave the entire second half of the year open for Age of Sigmar. With the rise of the Great Horned Rat into the Age of Sigmar Chaos Pantheon (see above), I would expect the Skaven to make their return with a grand re-imagined splash. Just look as the creative “push” old WFB Dwarf units like the Gyrocopter got that led to the Overlord’s steampunk airships. Now think about the END TIMES Skaven minis as a starting point and imagine where GW might push them in the design department.
Perhaps only the beginning…
~ What type of reimagined Skaven would you like to see in the Age of Sigmar? I want tunnelers!