Geekery: New Homecoming Trailer

With a better look at Michael Keaton as Vulture!
Avoid this trailer if you want to avoid spoilers – it’s got a few big plot points that I’ll avoid in my commentary.
It’s good to see that it’s not re-hashing his origin story from the beginning, they’re just giving him an origin within the current time line. I was really hoping to see less Tony Stark than this, though. Hopefully that’s just to sell the story in the trailer. I like RDJ just as much as the next person, but I really want this to be a Peter Parker movie not a mini Avengers movie.
In other good news: it looks like we may be getting a villain that’s not bland thanks to Michael Keaton. The last several big, bad guys we’ve gotten from Marvel have been pretty blah. Adrian Toomes’ back story may not be the most exciting thing ever (at least as he exists in the comics), but Keaton has the ability to chew scenery if he’s allowed to and there’s a lot of room for that here. Bring back the insane villain that’s actually someone to be feared, please and thank you.
While this trailer is a bit on the serious side it’s bound to have a good deal of comedic moments with cast members Donald Glover, Kenneth Choi, Martin Starr, Jon Favreau, and Hannibal Buress.
Spider Man: Homecoming is due in theaters July 7th
It’s a yes for me – how about you? What do you think?