Goatboy’s 40k: Fulgrim & Mortarion Rules?

After the release of the most goody-good of the good guy Primarchs I wondered how Chaos is going to match him.
The book has some chatter from the other “daemonic” primarchs and seeing how GW loves a big centerpiece model it makes me think will see both of those “bad” guys next. The Daemonic Primarchs talked about were Mr Bad Touch himself – Fulgrim and the the smell that just won’t go away Mortarion. Seeing as we have a pretty good template to work off of I thought it might be fun to try and “guess” what their powers, abilities, and stats might actually be and then see how close we get when they eventually get release onto our reality.
Fulgrim – The Serpent
Will start with Fulgrim as he will most likely be the most “daemonic” looking out of the 3. He has fully given himself over to Slaanesh and we have a really solid foundation to how he looks and most likely interacts with on the table top. He seems like one of the few “daemon” guys that most likely doesn’t fly and thus he should have a different setup/make up when you compare it to the big winged monster that is Magnus. Still they should have all the initial basic set of rules we expect.
Being a Daemon Primarch he should follow the same basic outline Magnus has set up. He should have some small tweaks based on how he would work in the fluff. Here is my thought
WS 10 BS 7 S 7 T 7 W 7 I 10 A 8 LD 10 Sv 3+
I went with a WS of 10 due to his nature as one of the few Primarchs that killed other Primarchs in hand to hand combat. It would make sense as he was known as a pretty awesome hand to hand fighter and should be someone you fear when you get into combat with. His Initiative of 10 makes sense as again he is a being of Slaanesh and they are all about being extremely fast. I gave him a basic Armor save of 3+ as it feels like he would have some better form of armor as most likely he won’t be a flying MC. He needs more protection to help keep him Safe and still viable. I also upped his attacks as he has a ton of extra arms, boobs, and bits to attack the opponent with.
Monstrous Creature (Smash, Move through Cover, Hammer of Wrath, Fear, Relentless)
Admantium Will
Daemon of Slaanesh
Eternal Warrior
It Will Not Die
Psyker (Level 3)
Veteran of the Long War
Being a Daemon of Slaanesh he would get a 5+ inv save, +3 to his move, charge, and run rolls, as well as Rending for his basic attacks. From there we could look at trying to add some additional rules to help him along. I would think Feel No Pain would be something he should have access too. It seems to be a theme within the Emperor’s children as well as an over usage of “drugs” as well. He could have some other ability that lets him choose some rules per turn depending on the “drugs” he has taken. It is an interesting one to think about because you don’t know how “powerful” you need to make a non flying, summoning, etc Daemonic Primarch to be viable and thus used and sold as a centerpiece for the army.
Psyker Level 3 just feels right as being a Daemon of a god that has psychic abilities would imply he should have some powers himself. Most likely he has access to both sets of Emperor’s children powers and the normal Slaanesh powers. He probably has some extra one that gives him a blessing of some sort that either pushes the fear checks up or makes it very hard to hit him. Leadership test to actually attack him as his spores have enveloped your senses? His Musk that overpowers and entices his enemies to leave them open to his murderous advances?
Beyond this I thought it might be neat to make him move like a Beast of some sort. Either utilize the Maulerfiend rule to just ignore terrain or something new to help push him as the fastest and most eviliest super snake being in the game. It just feels right to think – oh crap I am only 24 inches away from this death monster.
After that his Artefacts are also important to look at. I again say a list of Drugs he has access too plus his own weapons. He might need a better Invulnerable save so his armor should push it to a 4+. This limits him to a 3+ most of the time with a friendly cursed earth. After that we have a list of swords that give him a ton of combo’d abilities like Roboute has. Something like Instant Death, Fleshbane, and Armorbane.
After all of that and looking at a point cost – he should most likely not be as expensive as Magnus. He wouldn’t have the options to buff himself as much as Magnus does plus a lack of Summoning makes him a bit weaker. He also does not fly so I would think he would fit within the point range of 450-500 points. He needs to be more than Roboute as his stats represent a much stronger set up. He shouldn’t have an invulnerable save to get below a 3+ as I feel that is still too much to deal with. His armor save is not designed to be a 2+ as he needs to move fast and there needs to be options to murder him with bullets. I feel like 500 is most likely the right range but depending on how far GW goes to make him viable will determine. Lately I think for the big monsters the point ranges have been correct with the new stuff and can only hope I am actually close to right when thinking about the creepy monster that is the true Mr. Bad Touch – aka Fulgrim.
Mortarion – the Death Lord
Next lets give a look at Mortarion. Most likely he will fly like Magnus, be a bit better psychically then Fulgrim, but won’t be nearly as “devastating” in combat, and even more like Roboute in his interactions. He feels less Daemonic then some of the others but with enough differences to make him not just a straight copy of Magnus.
WS 7 BS 6 S 7 T 8 W 8 I 6 A 6 LD 10 Sv 2+
The big changes from his Horus Heresy stats is an increase of 1 along the lines of Toughness and Wounds. It would make sense as he seemed to be tougher then the others. The toughness of 8 might be too high as he is immune to bolter fire and with the added on rule of poison not working as well on him might mean he is going to be a beast to deal with. Still it would mean his point cost should be close to Magnus’s and his overall set up would ensure he get tarpitted fairly easily. I left his Armor save as a 2+ as his specific armor is very special to his design. I increased his Initiative to match his Daemon status but that might be something to look at to make him slower etc.
Flying Monstrous Creature (Smash, Move through Cover, Hammer of Wrath, Fear, Relentless)
Admantium Will
Daemon of Nurgle
Eternal Warrior
It Will Not Die
Psyker (Level 3)
Veteran of the Long War
Preternatural Resilience – Horus Heresy rule – basically 6’s to poison him, reroll Toughness checks and IWND checks. All of these fit within 40k pretty well and just generate an increase point cost.
Witch Spite – Always counts as one level high for deny the witches targeting him. He might be a psyker but he still doesn’t trust them.
The biggest thing is the additional 2 rules from the Horus Heresy. These make the most sense as he should be really hard to deal with and still have a grudge from this mind bullet jerks. I still gave him a psychic ability as being a Daemon of Nurgle he should have access to all their spells. He would already generate shrouding so there is no need to add that. He might have some kind of special psychic power or ability that would be an over charged nova of sorts. A mega infection if you will that would kill a bunch of things around him. He shouldn’t get FNP as that would be too much for most armies to chew through but you never know GW might throw it on there to sell the big monster.
The biggest thing would be his overall artefact set up with his Large Scythe like weapon, his lantern, censer grenades, and armor. His armor would be the standard 2+/4++ you would normally see. I am not sure if putting the 2+ on an big MC would be too good even though I know a few that can have it right now and they are not ending the game. His Scythe should be Instant Death, +1 to Strength, and have some kind of reaping effect where he hits everyone around him instead of his normal range of attacks. He should have 2 shooting attacks – one with his grenades and the other with his giant pistol, “The Lantern” they always talk about. I would just copy both effects from Horus Heresy. It just makes sense.
After all of that his point costs should resemble Magnus’s. He would run 600-700 points most of the time as he is extremely tough to deal with, could survive some D shots at him, and has decent saves all around. I would think he would be more an anchor unit or mid range support as while he is extremely tough I just don’t see him being a massed murder machine someone like Magnus is designed to be. Still will see if he even comes out.
~What do you think? Am I even close on these? Are these way too good? Would these monsters of the battlefield just sit in your box as your free vehicles, creatures, and cheap artillery bound the win out of your army?