GW: Rumor Engine “Battle Damage”

Just in case you hadn’t had enough teasers yet, Games Workshop has another for you with an new Rumor Engine!
In the past 24 hours we’ve had Shadow War: Armageddon, new Kharadron Overlords, a new AoS Boxed Set, ANOTHER new game announced and now a Rumor Engine teaser too. Get out your internet detective hats for this one:
We thought that maybe you guys hadn’t had enough glimpses of future releases in the last 24 hours, so here’s your weekly sneak peek:
Could this be a new piece of terrain? Looks like a grate that has been torn/blown open. Maybe it’s the basing material for a new kit. It could also be for 40k or AoS! What do you think this one is?
My money is on The Ninja Turtles. Clearly they destroyed the sewer entrance…