Hordes: Grymkin Pics from Adepticon

Take a look at the full range of Grymkin Privateer Press is showing off at Adepticon 2017.
A few weeks back Privateer pulled the covers off their latest faction, Grymkin: The Wicked Harvest, the new faction for HORDES! Grymkin arrive at Lock & Load GameFest 2017 July 14th – 16th.
Adepticon 2017 Pics
Now let’s take a look at what was in the Privateer Press tabletops in Chicago:
Info from the Faction Reveal Video
Below are some teasers from the video that we spotted in the GAMA pics:
Skin and Moans
Cage Rager
Dread Rots
Witch Wood
The Heretic
The Wanderer & King of Nothing
~More Grymkin coming soon.