Khorne’s New Army, Squats, Sisters, Warmachine and D&D

GW’s new Faction, playing Squats, 40K Releases, Warmachine plus D&D. See what you missed this weekend.
AoS BREAKING: Blades of Khorne Unveiled
Move over Kharadron Overlords, The Brass throne has an all new faction headed your way!
40K: Wanna Play Squats? Here’s How
GW has given players all the pieces they need to bring great looking squats back to the tabletop.
Warmachine: Cygnar and Retribution of Scyrah Army
This month sees the release of two new army boxes for 2017, check out what’s inside…
GW: New Releases March 18th “Pricing & Links”
Games Workshop has the Golden Boys & Girls of the Emperor up for Pre-Order!
MaxMini: New Goblin Junkyard Roller
Maxmini gives the goblins some love with a Junkyard Roller!
D&D: Dice, Camera, Action with Chris Perkins
Come adventure with this week’s live-play through of Storm King’s Thunder – Episode 39
GW: “Shadespire” Latest Details Emerge
GW’s Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire, has a new poster and more details on the way.
~ You’re all caught up – onto the week!