Mynock Squadron: Dutch Masters Interview

X-Wing pilots, report in! We’ve got the world class aces of Amsterdam Squadron taking point!
Welcome to the Mynock Podcast LVIII
[Note: We recorded this just before the FAQ Bombshell; we’ll talk all about that next week.]
Last year Europe proved to have a much different meta than the rest of the world, with Triple Jumpmasters dominating almost all the lists. What’s changed? The Mynocks bring in Jelt de Boer, Charlie Ter Horst, and Faan Langelaan from Amsterdam Squadron to discuss what’s happening across the pond.
[00:00:00] Intros
[00:17:50] The European Meta Appetizer
[00:28:30] Major Tournament Preperation
[00:42:00] Lothal Open Roundup
[01:03:00] Yavin Open Roundup
[01:31:00] The Importace of Squadrons
[01:40:00] Beginner and Advanced Tips
Ryan Farmer
Dee Yun
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