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Privateer: New Skorne & Menoth Army Boxes

4 Minute Read
Mar 8 2017
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Warmahordes players – two new all in one 50pt army boxes are being unveiled for you Makeda & Vindictus fans.

Privateer’s Army Boxes are a steal – each contains a 50 point army that’s ready to play. Each army is built by the Privateer Press Development team with both veteran and new players in mind. They are built to create dynamic combos using battlegroups and infantry. Will Shick breaks down the new Skorne and Menoth boxes…

Skorne Army Box

First up is the Skorne Army Box, which fellow Will—Will Pagani—and I brainstormed together. This new Army Box makes maximum use of Archdomina Makeda’s updated rules to cause the enemy serious issues in scenario play and in the attrition game.

-Archdomina Makeda
-Basilik Krea
-Titan Gladiator
-Titan Sentry
-Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor
-Praetorian Karax
-Praetorian Karax Officer and Standard
-Praetorian Swordsmen
-Praetorian Swordsmen Officer and Standard
-Paingiver Beast Handlers

Between Field Marshal [Shield Guard], Midwinter’s Arcane Vortex, the Krea’s Force Aura animus, and the Karax’s Shield Wall ability, this army can weather just about anything as it marches across the field to engage the enemy. The Karax alone can reach ARM 24 between Shield Guard, the Karax Officer’s Iron Zeal ability, and the Krea’s animus. While Shield Wall units can sometimes lag in terms of speed because they can’t run, the Quicken spell gives them a respectable SPD 8, not to mention DEF 14 versus ranged and magic attacks. The Swordsmen Officer’s Power Swell ability lets the Swordsmen hit incredibly hard right when they need to. And Makeda’s feat just adds insult to injury, granting all models Retaliatory Strike and allowing her to keep her warriors alive as long as she has health to spare.


There are a few options when bumping this list from 50 points up to 75. You could, of course, enhance Makeda’s battlegroup by adding the demigod of death Molik Karn, the immovable object Tiberion, or the offensive punch of a Bronzeback Titan. Alternatively, you could opt to add in some more units to make the most out of Makeda’s feat. Cataphract Cetratii, Praetorian Ferox, or even some advance deploying Venator Slingers all provide additional tactics for you to use to rope-a-dope your opponent and set up your knockout punch.

Menoth Army Box

The Protectorate 2017 Army Box contains a well-balanced list focused on the strengths of Vice Scrutator Vindictus. Exemplar Errants give the list forward presence because of Advanced Deploy, and with Defender’s Ward, they become a durable unit to pressure scenarios. Backed by Knights Exemplar and Visgoth Rhoven’s bodyguards, the list packs a substantial punch with a significant threat range, thanks to True Path. Rhoven himself brings excellent utility to the list with his spells Menoth’s Sight and Purifying Prayer. Sanctifiers will claim the souls of the fallen infantry to fuel themselves, allowing Vindictus a plethora of focus to cast his powerful but expensive support spells. With the increases to damage from the Choir, the Sanctifiers become heavy-hitting models that can act as a final wave for the list’s offensive potential.

-Vice Scrutator Vindictus
-Exemplar Errants
-Knights Exemplar
-Choir of Menoth
-Visgoth Juviah Rhoven & Honor Guard


Expanding on this box can go several ways. Flame Bringers synergize very well with the speed of the list, giving you a hard-hitting cavalry unit that utilizes the feat, Divine Protection, in addition to the True Path and Defender’s Ward spells very well. Adding some support options like the Covenant of Menoth or a Vassal of Menoth can give the list a few tricks to catch your opponent off-guard!


These boxes should be out on the heel’s this month’s Cygnar & Retribution 50pt army boxes sets. The previous sets have been in the $120-$140 range, with about a 33% discount over a la carte pricing. Pre-order these from your favorite retailer – they will go fast.

~ Do you think these are well put together for competitive play?

Author: Mars Garrett
  • Walking Dead: New Equipment Boosters