Star Wars RPG: The Right Tool for any Job

Engineers — build yourself a new hope; Fully Operational is coming soon with all the tools you’ll need for the job.
Fantasy Flight Games is back with a peek inside the covers of Fully Operational, the Engineer source book for the Star Wars RPG! This time, it’s all about the tools and the talent…
Building a Better World
Engineers are all about keeping things running. When the chips are down, there the ones who make sure that your heavy blaster rifle’s still in working order. Who know that the right application of the right amount of explosives in the right place is enough to change the course of the galaxy. Whether it’s repairing and repurposing droids or slicing datapads to uncover buried projects that the Empire wants kept hidden away, Engineers are all about information and how to use it.
A repurposed droid? What good would that be…
Knowing how to fix things also means knowing how to break them. That’s where combat engineers come in handy–Fully Operational promises to be chock full of enough gadgets and toys to make “disabling” a bridge or “securing” a choke point a breeze.
Don’t have the right tools to get the job done? Well design ’em yourself. There’s a new item design/crafting system in place to help you build and improve on everything from blaster pistols to starships. Oh, and speaking of starships…
How about a new specialization? Train as a Shipwright and you’ll have all the resources at your disposal to design, build, and maintain your own starships. Keep your whole crew in fighting form as you take the fight to the galactic Empire.
Getting the Job Done
Any good Engineer knows that it’s your work that speaks for you. Whether you’re building bridges or blowing them up, it’s the work you do that defines who you are.
There’s a whole host of new duties (heh) that help shape who you are, like Siege Engineering and Environmental Manipulation, or Improvement Motivation as ways to show not just what your Engineer does, but how they think. It also helps provide prospective gamemasters with a number of hooks they can use to draw you into the game, opening up a galaxy’s worth of possibilities…
Fully Operational – $29.95
Design. Build. Repair. Destroy. The struggle against the Empire isn’t only for those who carry the biggest blasters or fly the fastest starfighters. No war can be carried on without the tools to wage it, and Engineers serve the Rebellion and their comrades by designing, building, and maintaining all the equipment necessary to end the Empire’s reign of terror in the galaxy. Weapons, droids, vehicles, and gear of all varieties are more than just plasteel and bolts; they represent the will of the free people of the galaxy made corporeal in defiance of the Emperor.
Fully Operational is a 96-page sourcebook for Engineers in the Star Wars™: Age of Rebellion Roleplaying Game™. Featuring three new specialization talent trees and new races to populate your campaigns, Fully Operational is an essential addition to your collection. It includes detailed rules for vehicle and starship construction as well as sample campaigns that emphasize the role Engineers play in the Galactic Civil War beyond being simple background support. A livery of new ships and vehicles also awaits you, ready to be included in your Age of Rebellion campaign.
Finally–someone who can patch together that bucket of bolts you call a ship. And fix the blasted hyperdrive!