SW Armada: 5 Questions FFG Needs to Answer

These questions need to be answered.
It is inevitable that with any game there will be questions. Questions, discussion and debate are a part of any good game and help keep a community going. Some questions are good for game. The question, which is better x or y is a sign of a good game. Other questions, rules questions, or questions about support or longevity of a game are on the other hand not great. These are questions that it is important be answered. Sadly, Star Wars: Armada has a few such questions. While some of these have been answered in unofficial ways, email or direct conversation between players and FFG staff, there are no official answers to them. Some of these need to be address in an FAQ. It has however been some time since one has been released. Many of these questions have been hotly debated. Anyway, lets look at five of the most important questions we need answered.
5. Are the Armed Stations Battery and Anti-Squadrons Values Switched?
The old switcharoo
As part of the Corellian Conflict the Armed Station was released to be used in some missions. When players first got a look at it we noticed something odd. The station has a totally crazy anti-squadron value. As printed the station has the best anti-squadron value in the game, and gets to attack all squadrons with in it’s 360 sight arc. On the other hand it has a anemic single dice big ship attack. Some people began to wonder if there hadn’t been a mistake and the dice totals had been swapped. When asked FFG stated that, yes, in fact it had been a printing error. And yet there has been no official notice or confirmation of this. Sure it’s pretty obvious when you think about it. But I am also sure that out there people are playing it as printed. FFG really needs to make an official comment (say in the FAQ).
4. How Do Rapid Launch Bays Work?
SO many questions
Rapid Launch Bays is a card that we released in the most recent Wave 5 of the game. It’s a card that had a lot of people very excited for how it could change up the game. However the wording of the card leaves what it actually does a little vague. The key is that the wording on the status of the newly deployed squadrons’ is not clear. There are three real possibilities:
1. A newly placed squadron is not activated, it is placed and gets to do nothing else, but can still be activated that turn.
2. A newly placed squadron counts as activated, it cannon move that turn nor can it attack or do anything else.
3. A newly placed squadron counts as activated, it cannot move but can immediately attack.
Now part of the problem is that that being activated or not is based on how your activation toggle is placed. When you activate you switch it to the opposite of what it is, orange or blue. But squadrons off the table don’t do this. So there is even an argument to be made that the answer to the question could change turn by turn. Now word is that most events have ruled the card words in manner #3, the only way that card is worth it’s points. But the occasional tournament rulings aren’t official rules. Personally I wouldn’t consider using the card in a tournament with out an official ruling as it would have a major effect on the game one way or another.
3. When Exactly Can You Use Snipe
Extra questions, how do E-wings open their cockpits?
Snipe is pretty cool new ability that lets some squadrons attack at longer range. However what a lot of players have missed is that Snipe only works at distance 2, not out to distance 2. This means that strangely snipe can’t be used at distance 1. Now to my knowledge this is the first ability that only works at a farther distance. All other ability either work in a range of distances or only at the closest distance/range. Now the issues here is twofold. First some players argue that saying you can attack at distance 2 inherently means you can attack at distance 1 as well. Secondly the rule book defines At as meaning: At: If any portion of a hull zone, base, or token is inside a specified band, that component is at that band. This seems to argue that you can snipe a target that straddles the line between distance 1 and 2, but not one that is whole with in distance 1.
360 no scope
This argument has it’s own set of a smaller questions. Who decides if it is distance 1 or 2? Can a squadron be at both distance 1 and distance 2? What if the squadron straddles distance 2 and 3? Can you attack it now since it is technically at distance 3? A simple rule but it has generated a lot of debate and could use some clarification.
2. Whats the Deal with Wave VI?
I can haz?
When is Wave VI coming out? What ships will be in it? These questions burn at the heart of every Armada player. Will we see the MC75? The Hammerhead Corvette? The Quasar Carrier? The Resurgent-class Battlecruiser? Thrawn? How will it shake up the meta. And when oh when is it coming.
1. No Really, What is the Deal with Wave IV????
That’s all for this week BoLS fans. Let us know what questions you want answered down in the comments!