30K RUMORS: Next Heresy Boxed Game Features Who?

There’s talk out there on the contents of the third Horus Heresy boxed game slated for this year.
So we now have a pattern to follow from GW. In Q4 of the last two years we have gotten a plastic Horus Heresy Boxed Game.
Betrayal at Calth Arrived in 2015
Burning of Prospero arrived in 2016
Sources say to look for the third game to show up this year. Here’s the latest on what it contains:
- The Boxed Set will Feature Death Guard vs a Loyalist Chapter
- Loyalists are described with contradictory reports as either Dark Angels or White Scars
- Minis are described as upgrade sprues with already produced plastic heresy kits.
The previous two boxed sets have already given us the following Astartes minis:
- MkIV Power Armor
- MkIII Power Armor
- Cataphractii Terminator Armor
- Tartaros Terminator Armor
- Contemptor Dread
- Power Armor Officer
- Cataphractii Officer
- Space Wolf Officer
- Thousand Sons Officer
While upgrade sprues might extend the life of the existing minis, (especially if they were heavy weapons), GW still has a lot to mine for plastic Heresy kits.
A Mk V, or Mk II power armor kit in plastic would be great.
Plastic Heresy Bikes/jetbikes would also be very popular, with White Scars being mentioned.
We can always dream…
Characters could be either pulled from the HH novels, or updated famous 40K characters such as Typhon. Last year Ahriman got both an 30K updated mini, AND his updated 40K model as an example.
For settings, a quick look through Lexicanum for heresy battles involving the Death Guard, White Scars, and Dark Angels gives us these:
Battle of Perditus
Death Guard vs Dark Angels
Battle of Catallus
Death guard vs White Scars
~ What plastic kits would you put in this box to expand the HH plastic line?