40K RUMORS: Death Guard Schedule & Nurgle’s Future

Exactly when are the sons of Mortarion coming? Here’s the latest from the rumorsphere.
Remember these guys from Adepticon?
We are just getting into the Kharadron Overlords release window which will be several weeks. Beyond that is the new edition of 40K somewhere in Q2. So exactly where are the Death Guard, and when are they arriving.
Here’s a bit of news from a reader on Faeit: 4-17-2017
“Just wanted to give some heads up on the Deathguard. The news is that Deathguard is more likely a
September-December release (i.e. end of the year)
Perhaps the Warhammer fest painting is a preview or they moved the release
date recently – take of it what you will, but apparently typhus is also
expected given kharn and ahriman (although I havent had an exactly
definitive answer on that).
Summarise – End of the year expected date for deathguard and yes there will
be the deathguard green paint along with it.”Advertisement
Nurgle Thoughts
That is rather far out and I would be surprised if GW would release images of things over 6 months out even as a teaser.
Now they did also show off Shadespire which is said to be coming in the 2nd half of the year – so perhaps.
The Nurgle release might be modeled on the Thousand Sons release window of the last few months. You will remember that we got both Burning of Prospero, and Wrath of Magnus in Q4, followed by Traitor Legions, then kicked off the year with Disciples of Tzeentch, moving some of the new Tzeentch minis over to Age of Sigmar.
So we could easily see GW continue the schedule, giving us 3 months of Nurgle for both systems in Q4-17 through Q1-18.
I could see it shaping up like this:
- Mortarion
- Plague Marines
- Plague Terminators
- Plague Cultists
- Typhus
- Great Unclean One
- Beasts of Nurgle
- Epidemius
- Something else new and sticky…
The rest of the Nurgle Daemon range is solid and somewhat recent, such as Nurglings, Plague Drones, and Plague Bearers. If I were GW and wanting to update some ancient metal/resin minis with all new sexy ones – I would put a bullseye on these three right here:
I’ll get out of this chair when you give me a new mini.
If Ahriman got TWO new minis I want some love too!
I’m so sad I’m not even in the Age of Sigmar mini section on GW’s site.
Seriously GW, I’m dying of envy for the new plastic Bloodthirster & Lord of Change – HELP!
~ What do you think GW should replace first to help Nurgle out?