AoS: Kharadron Overlords Landing April 15th

The Kharadron Overlords are dropping anchor this weekend and Games Workshop has a new teaser for us all!
These Duardin have taken gold mining to the next level: To the sky! It’s all airships and swashbuckling with the Kharadron Overlords. Are you ready for these new steampunk dwarfs because pre-orders are going up this weekend. To celebrate Games Workshop has droppped a new teaser video:
via Games Workshop (Warhammer TV)
“Landing next week, a brand new race for the Mortal Realms.
Forget everything you knew about duardin – these technologically gifted descendants of Grungni are lords of the skies and masters of the strange alchemical science of harvesting and using aether-gold – the mysterious power source of their wondrous sky-fleets.”
See the Entire Kharadrom Overlord Range HERE
As a concept, I love the idea of “Dwarven Steampunk Airships” and the execution in terms of modeling is pretty fantastic. I know I’ve been looking forward to their release since GAMA. It was the first time in a long time that Games Workshop announced a completely new race with an entirely different theme. Before this we had the more traditional Tolkien-fantasy dwarf themes. You know what I mean:
Beards, Drinking, Grudges, Underground Mining, and a bit of the vertically challenged. But they make fine sprinters.
With these models it looks like Games Workshop has managed to take those same themes and translate them to this new faction. And really, Pirates and Tolkien-Dwarves have one big thing in comming: Drinking!
It comes in pints?! Actually, it’s a couple ounces over or under* depending on where you’re from.
I, for one, welcome our new Kharadron Overlords. I hear they like to party.
*1 US pint is 16 fluid ounces. 1 Imperial Pint is 20 fluid ounces. The mug is 18 ounces.