Cygnar: Brickhouse Holds the Line

Checkout the new Cygnar jack Brickhouse, who holds back the baddies like no one’s business.
What Is It?
This is a new character jack for Cygnar. It is Beth Maddox’s bonded jack so you know it is made for beat sticking! Brickhouse cost 18 points and you can only have one. If you are looking for a defensive jack that can hold the line, Brickhouse might be the solid warjack for you.
What Does Brickhouse Do?
Brickhouse is on the Centurion chassis but, without a shield. So it is a little slower at only SPD4 and has a rather low defense of 11. It does however have a great MAT8 that means you won’t have to boost very often to hit anything. It is only ARM19 so if another heavy gets to Brickhouse it will probably squish him.
Brickhouse is armed with a RNG1 POW15 open fist. This is nice if you want to throw anything. He is also armed with a RNG2 POW18 hammer. That 2″ melee threat will make up a little for his speed.
Special Rules:
- Bond(Maddox): Retalitory Strike. Since Brick’s MAT is so high he can reliably hit anything if his weapon system is down. A lighter armed heavy might risk losing a aspect/system if Brick can get a high damage roll on the swing back.
- Carapace: Stealling Skorne tech seems to be the new thing. Brick is just as tanky as the bugs of Skorne vs shooting. Throw in Arcane shield and he is probably not even worth shooting at.
- Force Hold: Stealing MKII Skorne tech woot. Similar to the old Locker Animus of the Skorne Sentry of olden days, Brickhouse can lockdown models that get in melee with him. You might even catch an opponent off guard with this if they are going for some tricky side steps or beat backs.
- Critical Smite on the Maul: This could be hilarious in combination with Maddox bond. A model could come in on Brickhouse, hit him, Brick retalitory strikes and smites them away. Scary stuff.
What is a Good List with Brickhouse?
Brickhouse is a great shooting sponge. With the Carapace rule he is almost pointless to shoot. I think he could be a great answer to the CoC battle engine for this reason specifically. Maddox wants to get the most out of her feat but, she needs models to survive to get to the enemy.
This list gives you fast hard hitting models and enough elctro leaps and shooting to clear the path from annoying jamming models. Swordknights get a lot of work out of Dauntless Resolve. Brickhouse can either be tanky with Arcane Shield from the junior or fast with Assail!
Cygnar 75 Points
Major Beth Maddox +30
Sylys Wyshnalyrr 4
-Brickhouse 18
-Centurion 17
Rhupert Carbolo 4
Journeyman Warcaster 4
– Hunter 11
Major Katherine Laddermore 8
Lanyssa Ryssyl 4
Goblin Tinker 2
5 Storm Lances 20
10 Sword Knights 13
Revenant’s Final Thoughts
As CoC is seeming to get more and more popular it is nice to see a warjack that just doesn’t get deleted by the TEP. Brickhouse does come at a steep cost, it is slow and it’s armor is not going to keep it alive in melee which can be a bad combination.
I give Brickhouse a grade B-
Good but, needs support for him to get the job done.
~What do you think of Cygnar’s new character jack BOLS? Please share in the comments below.