Eternal Crusade: A New Waaaagh!

The Orks have invaded Eternal Crusade, take a look at their new campaign…
Waaagh comes to Eternal Crusade for the next week, in the form of a brand new Ork campaign that’s ongoing until April 23rd.
They’ve recently changed their model so that they’re offering a single campaign (with much more dedicated focus) that rotates through the various races. So for now it’s Orks and come the 24th, it’ll be a different faction’s turn to take the spotlight and earn unique armor (like the Skarblitz shoulder pads featured below), and in-game currency you can spend on things like new character slots (another recent addition).
A few other key features have been layered in over the last couple of weeks as well, including new cosmetic armors items and in-game VOIP. A video from Chapter Master Valrak goes through all of the changes in much greater detail here:
It looks like the folks over at Behaviour have really been hitting the ground running with their new Free to Play structure. They have been talking pretty heavily on their blogs about wanting to make sure that the free experience was just as fun (and added to the game) for new players, free players, and paying players.
In their recent State of the Game post, they talked about how their design decisions will be affected going forward. They’ve been working on lag (and must have made progress to reimplement in-game VOIP) as well as making several other improvements that all make for a more enjoyable experience. And with the new Ork Campaign underway now it’s the perfect time to hop in on the carnage–though if you’re a free player you can play as any race (well any race in the game, which for now is Eldar, Orks, Space Marines and Chaos).
So if you haven’t checked it out yet, what are you waiting for? Eternal Crusade awaits!
Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade