Fritz’s Tabletop: Exploring Dungeons & Dragons

As a Dungeon Master with a few adventures under your belt are you ready to take your next adventure to the next level?
As a Dungeon Master with a few adventures under your belt are you ready to take your next adventure to the next level?
Playing the game as a Dungeon Master is a big responsibility as you are in charge of the rules, narrative, keeping the game going, and managing the players!
Here are a few tips for your NEXT adventure.
Many players tend to view them as walking experience points, but in many adventures they are KEY to setting the narrative of the game. Let’s explore some ideas for your next monster encounter and how you can even build an entire adventure around one.
The DM has many tools at their disposal to create a great game- dice, miniatures, the players! But what about the Dungeon Master’s screen? More then just a reference sheet, this DM aid has many uses.
You have put your time in as the DM. You are running week after week of adventures, and now your gaming group is ready to explore? Let’s explore some ideas to prevent that…
Ready for more DM tips? Check out my Art of the DM guide HERE.