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Go for the Blood Bowl Gold at Warhammer Fest

3 Minute Read
Apr 16 2017
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There is a Blood Bowl Grand Tournament at Warhammer Fest, check out what’s in store…

Time to gear up for some bone-crunching, jaw-breaking, armour-cracking carnage at this year’s Warhammer Fest when the Blood Bowl GT hits. Go head to head with the best coaches and players the sport has to offer, see if your blitzers are beefy enough to take home the top prize. This year’s competition looks to be an especially brutal one, with coaches getting a pool of 1.3 million gold to put together their team, and the enthusiasm for the tournament causing players to shrug off injuries.

via Warhammer Fest

Welcome Sports Fans, to the greatest sporting event in Blood Bowl history. The Blood Bowl
Grand Tournament is here!

Being held at Warhammer Fest, The Blood Bowl GT will be the highlight of your sporting year. 100 Head Coaches will descend to test themselves against one another to ultimately decide who will be the Blood Bowl GT Champion.

If you get a Grand Tournament ticket, you’ll get two days of gaming, and access to Warhammer Fest too, including entry into the Golden Demon Painting Competition on Sunday. What is Warhammer Fest? Find out more here.


Blood Bowl is not a sport for the faint of heart. In fact going on the pitch in anything less than a Steam Tank will usually result in all manner of horrible injuries, from gouged out eyes, to bitten ears and even getting gobbled up by a hungry Troll.

This goes doubly so at the Blood Bowl GT as, being the most prestigious cup in the entire game, players will go to almost any lengths to get that win!


Because all the players are utterly psyched for this event, and will let nothing short of death (and even then, it won’t stop everyone), all Injuries done to your team are ignored, in the post- match sequence as all your players are pulled back from the brink by a liberal use of under-the-counter Goblin Mushrooms, Life Magic, Daemonic Pacts, Pig-Headedness, Necromancy – you name it! Nothing is taboo for players who want to win the Blood Bowl at all costs, and as long as the games keep coming, the officials refuse to take too much heed.


This is to make sure no team gets heinously destroyed in the first match, and allows all the coaches in the GT to get some good games in without having to worry about their favourite player getting their head smashed in, beyond the normal boundaries of a regular game of Blood Bowl, of course.

Sign up for the Blood Bowl GT

More guts! More glory!

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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