GW: “Reinforcements Inbound for Armageddon”

Games Workshop announces the rules for Shadow War: Armageddon & more goodies are on the way “soon” – Reinforcements Incoming!
No one could have predicted the popularity of Shadow War: Armageddon. Games Workshop had a feeling that it might be a hit but they clearly weren’t expecting the reaction it got when it sold out online in minutes. Now, it’s going to be in stores this weekend but there is no telling if that supply is going to meet the demand. So GW has a plan – the rules and additional support are coming “soon.”
via Games Workshop
“The new boxed game of skirmish warfare, set in the industrial sprawl of an Imperial hive world, went on sale last weekend. We had known this would be a popular game, combining elements of the classic Necromunda rules set with some fantastic new Warhammer 40,000 modular terrain, but we hadn’t expected the demand to be as high as it was – the box sold out online within minutes.
There will be copies in stores this weekend, but again, we are expecting demand to be high, and this might still leave some of you who were keen to play, with no way of getting your hands on the rules.
Don’t worry though – we we have some good news for you.”
“We will be making the rules for this game are more widely available, very soon.(emphasis added)
Not only that, but following requests we’ve received throughout this week, our rules team are also looking to expand the number of playable factions in the game.
We’ll bring you news on exactly how and when you’ll be able to get ahold of the rules outside of the box, and the new factions, just as soon as we can.”
So there you have it folks – you can hopefully put down the pitchforks and the angry mob can disperse now. If you’d like to read the full announcement you can do that HERE. GW will be supporting Shadow War: Armageddon with increased access to the rules, more playable factions, and that awesome terrain on shelves soon. In the meantime, you can head to your FLGS and see if they have the Retailer Kit with the Special Operative Cards & rulebook handy.
You can also spend your work day checking out the FREE Faction Kill Team Rules that are already out. I’ve been building lists for all the different 40k armies I have – it’s a great way to figure out what to bring to game night this week! Now I just have to decide if I want to run a Scout list, CSM, Nids, GSC, Eldar or maybe I’ll just pick up a random box of troopers and start a new Kill Team. Plus with this ambiguous “soon” timeframe I’ll have time to customize my Kill Team to what ever whacky build I come-up with. Decisions, decisions…
What Kill Team are you looking forward to build and play?