GW: Shadow War Armageddon Retailer OP Kit

Participating Retailers are getting a fantastic new introductory kit for Shadow War: Armageddon – check it out!
If you’re new to the idea of Warhammer 40,000 Skirmish games or have never played Necromunda then you’re going to want to head to your FLGS this week. Games Workshop has sent out Retailer Kits and they are the perfect intro into Shadow War: Armageddon!
These Retailer Kits are pretty awesome for veteran fans and new players alike. Why? Because not only did the retailers get a copy of the rules (which we’ll cover in detail later) but they also got special cards and (this is the big one) Faction fold-outs! In the video we cover the Tau and the Tyranids in detail, but there are many more:
- Tau
- Tyranid
- Necron
- Genestealer Cult
- Dark Eldar Wych Cult
- Craftworld Eldar
- Harlequin Troupes
- Chaos Space Marines
- Grey Knights
- Skitarii Rangers
That’s not counting the Space Marine Scouts, Orks, and Astra Militarum included in the rulebook!
Each faction fold out contains the needed rules for that faction such as recruitment costs, any special rules, an armory of weapons & armor, other wargear, upgrade costs, skill charts (what skills they have access to) and Special Operatives.
Special Operatives are pretty cool – initially we thought that they were mission based because they have not point cost for recruitment. But that’s only partially true – you can bring them to a mission but it costs you 1 Promethium Cache. They only stick around for 1 mission and you can’t recover the Cache afterwards, it’s spent. They tend to be really powerful units to bring so spend those Promethium Caches wisely!
The one downside is that if they are removed from play they typically have a negative impact for your Kill Team – or a bigger bounty for your opponent. We’ll cover those in more detail when we go over the rule book at a later date.
The Retailer Kit is a pretty great addition to the core Shadow War: Armageddon rules. I wouldn’t be surprised if we got a source book with all this info as another product or digital download from Games Workshop*. But for now, go to your FLGS/GW store and see if they have a copy for you to check out. While you’re there get a game in! SW:Armageddon is really quick (once you build your 1000 point Kill Team). Rules wise, GW did streamline the Pre- and Post-fight phases as well. But other than that, it’s pretty much the Warhammer 2nd/Necromunda rules.
If you were looking for an excuse to pick-up a box of troopers from another army just to build and paint them you can now use them for Shadow War: Armageddon. I know I’m looking forward to all the conversion possibilities! See you in the Promethium mines!
These kits are Retailer Exclusive – so get out to the store this weekend and check them out!
*Your Litanies to the Emperor have been answered – Games Workshop has released all the rules for SW:Armageddon Kill Teams online for free!