Privateer: Battle Engines are Next Up in CID

Thundering over the horizon, revamped Battle Engines with a road map to victory…
That’s right Warcasters. The next wave of the CID (which previously brought you the Grymkin force, and so rapidly too) is about to get underway. This time around they’ll be focusing on those bombastic behemoths, the battle engines. They’re getting a revamp, making them easier to use on the table so that you can more readily rain destruction down on those who stand in your way.
Take a look for yourself…
Grymkin, SR2017, and Battle Engines, Oh my! We’re starting our next cycle of CID pretty shortly after SR2017 – so hold on! Battle Engines are undergoing some updates in this cycle, and some are changing far more drastically than others. I’m here to explain some of the thought process behind the different battle engine archetypes we see existing in the game. Some of the Battle Engines even fit into multiple of these categories at the same time! I won’t be defining them in hard terms, but more like broad categories:
The Tanks: These are combat oriented battle engines who’s main purpose is to disrupt the enemies plans through multiple effects. Some of these effects are things like creating terrain, knocking down large numbers of models, being incredibly durable. Some of the new battle engines I see fitting into this category are ones like the Khador Gun Carraige, the Trollblood War Wagon, or the Rhulic Siege Crawler.
The Gun Platform: Standing back from the fight and lending incredible punch from range, these battle engines usually bring the pain in the form of high powered ranged attacks. I see the new Storm Strider, Arcantrik Force Generator and the Transifnite Emergence Projector being the perfect definition of this style of battle engine.
The Support: Some battle engines do very little offensively, but are focused on providing great support options to their army. Whether that be leaching fury from construct warbeasts (Celestial Fulcrum), removing continuous effects (Vessel of Judgement) or returning models to play (Siege Crawler), these battle engines usually have some solid attacks but are primarily focused on their special rules.
We’ve spent a few months of internal playtest coming up with these new ideas and designs for the battle engines, and for some of them it was simply a durability issue solved by adding additional hit boxes. For others we wanted to further define their role by increasing their support potential or damage output. I hope you’ll enjoy these changes as much as we have while testing them out in CID.
During this cycle, please remember that we are looking for feedback about how the models feel when you play them, their power level, and presence on the board. If you feel anything is out-of-whack with them, please bring it to the CID forums ( and talk about it with both us (The Developers!) and the community! Together we can create truly inspiring rules that give each of these battle engines a place to shine inside of their faction!
The real trick is seeing if you can convince anyone to let your light warjack ride your battle engine like a mount…