Shadespire: New Faction: Sepulchral Guard
The Lord of Death’s forces are coming to Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire – Here are the new Sepulchral Guard!
Shadespire, a city cursed by Nagash, was bound to have some Undead lying around right? Naturally! Well Games Workshop is back with a new warband for the Undead and these might be some of the “best skeleton miniatures ever” in the Undead range:
“You didn’t really think we were going to set a game in a city damned by the Lord of Undeath without some new Death models did you?
These Sepulchral Guard are the former warriors of the city of Shadespire. Unlike many of the mindless shambling automata of the Mortal Realms’ undead legions, these once-proud warriors retain shards of their memories from before the cursing of their city, and each is a unique individual in their own right.”
Games Workshop also has a hint on how this warband will want to approach the enemy:
“In the game of Warhammer Underworlds, this warband plays in a unique way. They’ll have numbers on their side against most opponents, but they lack the furious damage output of the Bloodbound, or the resilience of the Stormcast Eternals. Instead, this Deathrattle force favours a player with a considered, strategic approach to battle. They have plenty of tricks up their ragged sleeves to tip a combat in their favour, chief amongst them being the Sepulchral Warden’s ability to inspire and bolster the other undead warriors around him.”
For more on the new faction be sure to read the full article HERE. I’m looking forward to getting my hands on Shadespire as I got to play in a demo at Adepticon 2017. It’s a very quick and action packed game. Once you get the hang of it games should go pretty quick. I can see the undead being a force that will rely on having a buddy (or two) in support to get the most return for their investment in combat. If nothing else, the fact that this undead warband showcases some new skeleton miniatures is just plain cool.
Go ahead, try to take those skulls. They dare you…