Shadow War Armageddon: Spec-Ops and Faction Rules

Rules for the various factions are now available for Shadow War: Armageddon. Take a look…
That’s right, Necromundians, Games-Workshop released a whole bunch of faction rules for Shadow War: Armageddon, including the Skitarii, Genestealer Cults, Dark Eldar, and more. You’ll find everything you need, from units, to wargear, to everyone’s favorite, special operatives. You can head over to their website and snag the full .pdfs, but here’s a little of what you can expect for each faction.
Craftworld Eldar Spec-Ops
Dark Eldar
Chaos Spec-Ops
Harlequin Spec Ops
Skitarii Spec-Ops
Grey Knights Spec-Ops
Necron Spec-Ops
Tau Spec-Ops
Tyranid Spec-Ops
Genestealer Cult Spec-Ops
Who’s got the best special operatives?