ToyLand: Hasbro Black Series & Vintage Collection

Everything Hasbro showed off at Celebration looks totally sweet. You’ll want some of these for your collection!
First up: the Kenner toys of some of our childhoods (yes, some of us are that old) are returning in the new 3.75″ Vintage Collection.
Rey is being added to the line for the re-launch, and they have opened up selection of the next fig to the fans – details on how to vote can be found here.
Next: Some rad figs are coming to the 6″ range! I’m expecting that these will sell for around $19.99 each when they hit the market.
CC-1004 aka Commander Gree (Toys’R’Us exclusive)
Grand Moff Tarkin with Interrogator Droid – This is the first new figure he’s gotten in nearly 5 years. This is the must buy for me out of the bunch.
Battlefront II Inferno Squadron Pilot (Gamestop exclusive)
Jiana Solo – In the expanded universe she’s the daughter of Han and Leia, sister of Anakin and Jacen (aka Darth Caedus). She won out over Mara Jade, Darth Talon, and Hera Syndulla in this year’s fan pick poll.
If you’re going to SDCC you’ll have a shot at two exclusive sets – if not, they’re bound to show up on Ebay after the con.
Luke and his Landspeeder – with a pop up hood on the speeder and a poncho for Luke – will run you $89.99.
And this Admiral Thawn set that includes a selection of trophies and a snazzy diorama display for $49.99. It’s the first time he’s been presented in this scale.
I know what I want.
Which figs are must haves for you?