Warforged is Funded Get In While You Can

Get in on this fantastic new miniatures game designed by “40K Overfiend” Andy Chambers…
Designed by 40K Legends Andy Chambers and Tuomas Pirinen, Warforged: First Contact is an awesome tactical board/miniatures game that sets up a conflict between an authoritarian regime of humanity, a band of plucky rebels, and an alien invasion faction that threatens to throw the state of affairs into disarray. Dreamed up by a couple of guys who have, “made more games than you’ve had hot dinners,” including titles like Mordheim, Battlefleet Gothic, and Dropfleet Commander, Warforged: First Contact has an impressive pedigree behind it. And now they’re teaming up with Ninja Division–who have really been killing it with the quality of the miniatures they’ve been producing–to bring this game to life.
We’ve talked before about their Kickstarter, but in the last few days it’s just kicked into overdrive. They’ve shot past their funding goal, so the game is definitely coming out, and now they’ve announced a bunch of awesome stretch goals. Before we get into that, here’s a quick overview of what the game looks like.
It’s a hybrid board/skirmish game–I’ve been calling it a tactical board game. Warforged: First Contact uses hex grids in precut, customizable tiles, to set up encounters between the various factions in the game. As mentioned above there are three big factions, the Authority (who are used to running things and have their Iron Legion), the plucky, underfunded but full of heart rebels of the Uprising, and then there are the powerful aliens–the Mantra.
From what I’ve read, the game covers a particular First Contact scenario that follows the Iron Legion as they battle the Mantra across an interdimensional “Shrine Portal” to try and fight their way to the heart of it to stop the unending tide of aliens that are pouring into their own little section of the galaxy. So there’s an element of exploration mixed in with the tactical combat. With each new section of terrain offering up its own special rules or cover or the like.
I think it’s a cool concept, and the miniatures look fantastic. I can’t wait to get my hands on it and start crushing the Iron Legion beneath the unstoppable tide of the Mantra, myself.
They’ve already got one expansion planned, and their next $20,000 worth of stretch goals planned out (some new models), but I imagine there’s still a ton more to be unlocked, and this is your only chance to get your hands on the Kickstarter Exclusive tiles and minis, so don’t delay, there’s only 8 days left!
via Ninja Devision/Reforged Studios
Reforged Studios launches Warforged: First Contact Kickstarter, TODAY! This dream-team designed tactical miniatures board game comes from industry legends. Design veterans Andy Chambers, Tuomas Pirinen, and Ryan Miller have created a phenomenal game of strategy and depth, all brought to life by the art of Neil Robertson, and hero concepts by Paolo Parente, Des Hanley, and John Wigley. The breathtaking miniatures are designed by Ninja Division Publishing’s renowned team of sculptors.
To become a part of this awesome game, click here!“It is very rare for all the stars to align this way and have such a stellar team on all areas of the project,” said Tuomas Pirinen, CCO of Reforged Studios.
Warforged: First Contact™ and its Kickstarter campaign, is designed to appeal to both miniature collectors and tactical board game players worldwide. The stretch goals and special offers featured in the Kickstarter campaign will introduce a multitude of supplementary game content, including a third faction of human rebels, called The Uprising.
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Kara is commander of the Iron Legion forces, one of the Authority’s Awoken whose connection to the Brand is so strong it has unlocked truly superhuman abilities. Kara is a virtually unstoppable force in close combat, and her very presence can inspire her Legionaries to fight to the death and beyond.
The Mantra forces vary greatly; Chorals are quick but fragile hand-to-hand fighters that become deadly when massed, hulking Descants have the ability to pound Legionaries both up close and from a distance, while the Deva are winged terrors quite capable of ripping through an entire Legionary squad.
Sci-fi dungeon crawler/tactical skirmish games typically have linear corridors, square rooms and 90 degree corners. We wanted a more eclectic environment for the interior of the Mantra shrine-portal and the flexibility of the mighty hexagon for our map movement and ranges. Warforged: First Contact features a number of unique multi-hex tiles designed to be modular in nature to allow a wide variety of maps and re-playability.
Each tile is named and has its own Discovery card detailing typical Mantra force, reinforcements and whether any traps and/or special conditions (like low gravity or blinding light) may be placed on them.
Check out the Warforged: First Contact Kickstarter