10 Units 40K 8th Edition Can Save

The grimdark is being reset – and that means you should expect some units on tabletops you won’t recognize.
The most amazing thing about a “big reset” isn’t the rules themselves. While shocking at first, everyine will be rolling dice happily in 2 months. No, it’s the simultaneous reset of every unit in the game that will really shock folks. Because all the crappiest units that have been gathering dust on shevles for years (or decades) will be seeing some table time.
Here’s my list of units I really hope to see on game tables in the months ahead:
Predators – I just love the classic tank to death, but really when was the last time you saw folks running these? I can’t wait to run a Predator Squadron in 8th – just to freak people out.
Roughriders – I know, who even has any of these? Of course you can just buy any historical Cavalry and do headswaps – done. They use LANCES people – LANCES!
Pyrovores – After so many editions of sucking – I’m betting GW overcompensates and these bugs are terrifying!
Mandrakes – The sad sad Mandrakes hide so well – even the developers forgot about them. Fingers crossed for some cool movement tricks for these dudes.
Morkanaut – You know with such a beautifu and newish kit GW will make sure it get solid rules. If there is a better case of a fantastic mini just waiting to be saved by good rules – I haven’t found it.
Mutilators – I’ve heard about these via 3rd hand information – but have never met anyone who admitted to owning any.
Looted Wagon – The last holdout for sanctioned Orky homebrew kit-bashing. I bet you forgot these are still (White Dwarf) legal. Here’s hoping they survive into 8th.
Chaos Furies – The red headed step children of the Warp. Let’s hope they dont keep the Ld:2 plus instability in 8th.
Flayed Ones – These are like Mandrakes – but metal and equally ignored.
Ratling Snipers – There was a time when Hobbits in the Grimdark seemed cool – when Squats still existed. Maybe just some better shooting/picking off key models in 8th.
Vespids – Ok, I think they should stay sucky. After all they’ve never been good and it’s always a smart move to have a little tradition in long-lived games 🙂
~ What dusty models of yours are you most looking forward to pullling out in 8th Edition?