40K 8th: Abaddon & More Chaos Datasheets

You can’t hold back the tide of Chaos for long – Datasheets for CSM have been spotted! The Despoiler is HERE!
Warhammer Fest 2017 was this weekend and TONS of stuff broke. We had major rules pop-up, crazy new models, and pretty much a wealth of cool stuff to look at all weekend. But folks were also able to get some sneak-peeks at 40k 8th edition’s other rules. And it looks like one lucky gamer got their mitts on the Chaos Index:
Pics via miniwars
Abaddon is going to be a beast in Close Combat – as he should be! Drach’nyen will either cause Abaddon a Mortal Wound or let him get up to additional 6 attacks! That’s a possible 12 swings that EACH do D3 damage. And the Talon of Horus looks like it’s Strength x 2 with no penalty towards the to-hit roll! Abaddon also suffers 1/2 damage from attacks! with a +2/4++ he’s not going anywhere anytime soon…
Those new Fleshmetal guns look pretty good! Assault 2 and variable weapon stats – that’s going to make them an interesting choice for CSM players out there.
The Havocs sheet is a bit of a tease really – they really just look like regular CSM but with Heavy OR Special weapon options. Which is cool, but we don’t have all those weapon stats on the datasheet…
The Heldrake is back and that Baleflamer is still mean with Str 6, -2 AP and 2 Damage per hit. It also has the Fly keyword – the movement is variable based on damage as well; still curious as to how that will interact as we haven’t really seen how Flyers will work in 8th yet. If it’s just a really fast Vehicle and ignores a lot of the movement restrictions, but can be charged or shot at like normal I think that all Flyers will have to take on a new role in the game. We shall see!
Land Raiders are still going to be tough as nails – which should surprise no one! Also moving and shooting for monster won’t be an issue. Also, I’d like to point out that Jump Pack models can ride in the Land Raider as well. The idea of Jump infantry riding in a Land Raider then disgorging with Jump Packs is funny to me.
Psychic Powers
The Psychic Powers are pretty interesting. I think Prescience is going to do a lot of work for Chaos – adding 1 to your to hit rolls REALLY helps with the way attacks work now. Keep in mind that will trigger any abilities that activate on “when a 6 or more” is rolled. So suddenly your super-duper attack that only had a 1-in-6 chance suddenly becomes a 1-in-3 chance.
And don’t discount those Contagion powers either – Miasma of Pestilence has the opposite effect! Are you worried about that unit rolling a bunch of 6’s and triggering some crazy ability? Hit it with the Miasma and now they can’t!
These Chaos Marine Datasheets have certainly spiked my interest – What do you think? Anything else stand out to you?