40K: 8th Q&A Part Deux

Missed the second 8th Edition Q&A? We got you covered.
Games Workshop hosted another Q&A session for 8th Edition today. We were tuned in an taking notes for all those who missed it. Enjoy!
What is a Primaris Space Marine?
- New generation of Space Marine
- Bigger, more powerful
- More focused in role
- “Very very *specific*” – in regards to battlefield role
- other types in the future, still specialized
Indomitus Crusade
- What Guiliman has been up to
- Banded together parts of the Imperium
- Created new Primaris Marines
- New founding of Primaris Marines
- Ultima Founding – Entire Chapters of JUST Primaris Marines
- All marines gifted with Primaris Tech
- Not all test tube babies, can be made from recruits
- Existing Marines can be upgraded to Primaris
- *Andy seems Really excited to play with different stories about how flesh turners will feel about Primaris Marines
- Will they accept them
- Will they want to work with them
- Will they want to be “upgraded” to a Primaris Marine…
- Primaris Marines – Add them as you like to your existing army
What is Mk. X and what about Mk. IX?
- New class of armor, not just for one troop type (alluded to different abilities)
- What happened to IX–who knows? It’s a mystery!
Indomitus Crusade part 2 – This time it’s personal
- Guilliman travels to give Primaris Marine tech to all Loyalist Chapters
- Fighting vs Chaos
- War on all fronts, including Xenos threats
- He’s trying to help where he can – but the Galaxy is kind of on fire
Creating the New Rules
- How long has it taken to develop 8th? At least 18 months – probably longer
- Lots of testing, lots of background changes
- Improving Three Ways to Play
- Specialized more for each
- take feedback and improve each version of 3 ways to play–match play, narrative, and open
- Continue to playtest the rules
- update rules for match play, narrative, and open
Army competitiveness/parity at competitive level?
- Lots of playtesting and future playtesting
- Not afraid to make changes in the future
- And react to feedback “quickly”
FAQ/Feedback Sites
- There working on ways to get feed back in the future
- Currently it’s just Facebook/events/in person
- Later they will have a new “forum-esq” site
How many Imperium know about Guilliman’s Return?
- Not many regular Imperial Joes know about him.
- Think about it – Not everyone knows about a Space Marine!
- If one shows up on your planet? It’s not good.
- Who knows about Guilliman? Upper echelons of Military Orders, High Lords, Chapter Masters etc…that’s about it
Primaris Marines — All From Mars?
- Primaris Marines – 1st Batch is from Mars
- Eventually all Chapters will be able to make their own – Guilliman is gifting the tech to chapters so they can create their own
Melee vs Combat?
- CC is much more devastating
- Surrounded units CAN’T Fall Back
- Units are A LOT quicker?
- Sweeping advance – consolidate from one combat to the next
- Combat happens twice per game turn vs shooting’s once per game turn
How will “Initiative weapons” work?
- Lash Whips – Combat Interrupt – not the only weapon, but it’s an example
- Power Fists will be -1 to hit! But if it hits, it hits hard.
- Unwieldy could be minus to hit (implied – not confirmed)
- Other levers than initative to pull
- Basically, if a weapon had a rule that impacted the way it worked on the initiative step, GW has tweaked those weapons via other modifiers besides “initiative”
Selecting Psychic Power – Pick them or roll?
- Match play – you can choose or roll
- Open / Narrative play – optional
- You get to CHOOSE: Random or pick
Perils of the Warp – Still a threat?
- Yes – but no major details
Choosing Armies
- Force Org. detachment for pretty much every army. Even an army entirely made of Elites – there is probably a force org chart for that…
How will you tailor your army?
- More access to command points, stratagems, army specific rules
- You tailor based on Keywords (more below)
Specific Army Rules (examples) – this one was unscripted so it’s very general concepts
- Imperial Fist – Better vs. Defending/fortifications
- White Scars – Hit and Run
Battle Forge Army Each Unit/Detachment must share one keyword, Examples:
- Imperium – limited stratagems to just generic “Imperium”
- Space Marine – Gain access to Space Marine Stratagems on top of Imperium Stratagems
- <Chapter> – Specific Chapter Strategems on top of the others
- The more specific the key word the “deeper” you can go with the Stratagems
Characters in Transports
- Based on transport capacity, not number of units
- Characters can hitch a ride with a unit
- You could fit 2×5 man units in 10 (something) transports
- If a transport has a capacity of 12, you could fit a 10 man squad + 2 other characters for a total of 12
Command Squads have rules to help protect characters
- Tyrant Guard example
- Command Squad example
- Lookout, Sir! type rules
Rule *Drop Pod*
- 9″ Away from enemies
- Units deploying from the Drop Pod at least 9″ away from enemy
New vs Old weapon changes
- Weapons have been rebalanced
- Grav shouldn’t be the “Auto-include” that it is now
Combos for Competitive Play?
- Yes, with Keyword Mechanic it’s still a thing
- Combine Keyword combos and Psychic Powers – competitive players can still build power lists
Exploding weapons without templates?
- They still hit pretty hard
- Battle Cannons seemed to work just fine for Pete
Invulnerable Saves
- Work pretty much the same
- Saves are an “instead of” roll vs an “in addition too”
Power from Pain happens *after* damage roll
- Come back on a 6
- You still take the damage, so it’s a lot like an additional save
Large Creatures – Will they get to smash?
- Yes! Good save, Bit faster, and smashy
- Large Creatures will work!
Wound allocation
- Defenders choice
- No longer directional
- Defending player chooses where the wounds go
Can I play an entire army of Dreadnoughts?
- Yes
Legion Strength – Will The Codex get redacted/replaced?
- Well, “the chap who wrote it is back” –and it did not go well in 10,000 years, so we’ll find out!
Primaris Marines and Chaos influence
- They’ve been designed to resist, but we’ll wait and see…
Tactical vs Primaris Marines
- You should take both – they serve different roles
- Tactical marines are more flexible, Primaris Marines are there for specific battlefield roles
- You’ll see this repeated thought the Primaris types vs “regular” Space Marine roles
Psychic Powers
- Mix of old and new. “The intention of those powers” will be kept for new and old powers
- Example: Mindwar – it’s a classic power, but it might be tweaked slightly for new edition
How will you collect feedback?
- Now – Facebook, events, Twitch
- Later – Working on a New Site for feedback
- Forum-ish site with upvotes/downvotes
GW and Tournaments
- Yes , working with and talking with them. Giving advice and more interaction with T. O.
- Email them questions!
Terminators, will they feel like Terminators on the battlefield?
- Yes.
Does Pete thin his paints?
- Yes.
On a scale of 1 to Kharne, how excited are you for 8th?
- Angron Excited!
Will you continue playtesting 8th after the release?
- Yes, even after the release.
More Primaches?
- Possibly…mentioned a “cowardly(?)” one. edit: Apparently Pete said “cowled” – who could that possibly be…
Well that’s all we got from the Live Stream Q&A – That’s a lot to digest!