40K 8th: Waaaghs, Sisters, Canticles & More

The Warhammer 40,000 floodgates are opening. Here’s a teensy taste of five factions coming this weekend!
There are images dropping like a tidal wave from pretty much everywhere as we move into the week. Let’s take a look at just a tiny taste of 5 factions to get you in the mood.
images via miniwars 5-30-2017
The Orks
Welcome to the Power of the Waaagh!
45 wounds – this is INSANITY!
OK, the Haruspex must be nasty – look how many points it costs!
Adeptus Mechanicus
The Omnissiah gives and the Omnissiah gives even more!
Chaos Marines
I’ll let you all stroll through the Chaos armory and see what you should be afriad of.
Get out your magnifying glasses to figure out exactly what the Acts of Faith do in 8th.
~ Who’s ready for the weekend release!!!?