40K: Blood Angels Rules Bleeding Out

One Lucky Gamer already has the new book and is leaking the new Blood Angels Rules – come take a look!
This one has hit the main vein and the Blood Angels Rules mother-load is here. The Sons of Sanguinius are locked in for 8th edition! We’re just going to showcase a handful of the rules to give you an idea of how this army is going to work. Here’s a hint: Jump Packs…
pics via Valerian (B&C 5-29-2017)
Shield will certainly help with the survival of a unit and Unleash Rage is going to make them very punchy. Combine that with Black Rage and….
Suddenly you have a unit where each model is getting +2 attacks if they charge. Oh and Black Rage lets you ignore a wound on a 6 – not too shabby.
Here’s a good look at some of the Blood Angel’s specific weapons. For some odd reason the Blood Angels have a lot of Melee Weapons. I wonder why…
The Death Company has access to a TON of the special weapons for melee – go figure. This unit will be a murderball no matter how you load them up. Black Rage adds an attack on the charge and even with “just” chainswords, these guys will swing 4 times each when they charge. If only they had ways to re-roll misses…
Commander Dante is no joke! Now that the Axe of Mortalis doesn’t cause him to swing last, his melee currency just shot way up! And that Chapter Master ability seems just a tad handy. (That’s for any to-hit rolls, btw).
Well, if you going to run The Death Company, you might want to consider Lemartes. Re-rolling a charge roll AND failed hit rolls in the fight phase for Death Company makes them more reliable and even deadlier.
There’s tons more for the Blood Angels. I can see using just about every character in the army now and I can’t wait to bust out the Dreadnoughts…
~Have at it folks!