40K: Close Combat Weapon Teaser

Games Workshop is bringing the pain and this time it’s up close and personal – The Close Combat Weapon Teaser is here!
I have been waiting on this one folks. We’ve already seen glimpses at some of the long range weapons in the game and a few hints about the close combat weapons. But today, Game Workshop is pulling the covers of some of the most prevalent weapons in the galaxy. Let’s look at some of the new Close Combat Weapons!
via Warhammer Community
So let’s unpack these a little bit further. The Power Axe/maul/sword have already been teased before. What I like about this setup is that it feels like each weapon has a different role. Axes drop the “unwieldy” trait and lose a bit of the strength boost – but they still have a respectable -2 AP. Power Swords are the clear anti-armor save option, but have no bonus to strength. And Power Mauls have the weakest armor pen with a -1, but have the best strength bonus.
All of these seem like good options for different scenarios. Making each choice viable is what player have been wanting. While this might be a small instance of GW “getting it right” it’s promising for the rest of the game, too.
The Chainsword is a new reveal. In past editions the humble, yet iconic chainsword really wasn’t much to write home about. But now it provides the user with an additional attack in close combat. What’s got me curious about this reveal is how it’s worded. Does this mean Close Combat units will lose the “bonus attack” for having 2 weapons? Maybe that will be rolled-up into the unit’s profile. Maybe weapons will have a rule like this? Maybe that bonus attack has been replaced by the “pistol” shot…Who knows? We’ll have to wait to see the full rules on this one when it all comes out later this year.
As for the Power Fist we are finally getting a proper look at what this thing will do. Still Str x 2. A mighty AP -3 and D3 damage. Not too shabby. Now that everything can be wounded on 6’s, the Powerfist will be a legitimate threat to everything on the tabletop. Even if you’re tougher than the Strength Value, it’s still going to have a decent chance to wound. With that -3 AP value and a possible 3 damage, I’ll take the -1 to hit!
From a rules perspective, I like the way GW handled the changes to weapons that impacted initiatives. You’ll still strike first on the charge, it’s just at a -1 to hit. For the primary wielder of these weapons (Space Marines) that typically means they are hitting on 4s. That’s not terrible!
It certainly feels like these weapons are designed for different roles. As I said above, that really helps to make each option viable and have a role to play. That’s a good thing in my book – no more “auto include” options.
Read the Full Teaser HERE
Games Workshop also teased a couple other weapons and what they can do. First up was the Force Sword. For a Grey Knight squad, every marine will come stock with these. They have all the same powers as the typical Power Sword, but with the added benefit of doing D3 damage! Turns out those psychically trained Grey Knights will still be stone-cold killers in Close Combat!
The Reaper Chainsword on the Imperial Knight is the final example weapon that GW teased. Strength D might be gone on paper, but it’s still around in spirit. The Reaper Chainsword does a flat 6 Damage when it wounds (and I have a feeling it will be wounding pretty easy). 6 Damage is enough to kill most characters not named Guilliman in a single blow. And that’s just ONE attack. If you’re a vehicle and you get charged by a Knight, well…it was nice knowing you.
Games Workshop has been dancing around just how deadly Close Combat will be in the new edition. But they did say this:
“Make no mistake, when facing a dedicated melee unit, stuff is going to die in combat really, really fast.”
The race is on: can you shoot the enemy off the board before they get to you or will your gun-line run out of time and get ripped to shreds?
What do you think of the Close Combat Weapons and what other melee weapons are you most curious about? Let us know in the comments below!