40K: Here Come the Orks

Get ready to WAAAGH!! Games Workshop has just pulled out another Faction Focus Teaser on the Orks!
Orks are on of those factions that everyone secretly just wants to like. And why not!? They are one of the most “fun” armies to collect and paint. Their enthusiasm for battle is infectious as they are always up for a good fight. However, the last edition wasn’t too kind on them in terms of game play. Maybe it was a black-lash from the days of Nob Bikerz roaming around or maybe it was just the direction the game moved – but those lovable Greenskins just couldn’t really compete in 7th.
Well Reece is back to hopefully give some ork players a little bit of hope in Gork (or is it Mork) again.
via Warhammer Community
“One of the biggest changes for Orks is the way the new AP system impacts both their offence and defence. Units like Meganobz, who have a 2+ save (and now 3 Wounds!), will find themselves being able to soak hits from things that used to kill them in one shot and keep on killin’ thanks to the save they now get. A lascannon, for example, doesn’t bypass their armour entirely and they have decent odds of surviving, even if they fail their save.”
“Boyz will get their save against most light weapons now, as a 6+ is not ignored by so many weapons as it once was. Also, as there are no more challenges in melee, a Nob will no longer be forced to focus all his attention on smashing just one foe. Excitingly, it won’t always be a no-brainer choice to take a power klaw, either. The Big Choppa is now quite an appealing choice thanks to a more scalable AP system, and the kombi-skorcha is positively mean!”
Read the Full Orky Breakdown HERE
Ork Boyz and Nobz become viable choices? The Power Klaw isn’t the go-to option anymore? What is this MADNESS! It’s WAAGH-tacular is what it is!
Reece also goes on to say that Morale won’t be as “problematic” as it was for them in 7th. Big mobs of Boyz will have lots of ways to mitigate the Battleshock tests. Having a Warboss around helps by forcing them to stay in the fight at the cost of D3 Boyz (worth it). Nobz also will give you a chance to stop Boyz from “leggin’ it” on a roll of a 6. Oh, and Mob Rule – yeah, that’s still in the game too.
And if you think that’s not enough tricks in your bag the other Ork characters will also have ways to help you Boyz make it across the board. Painboyz provide a 6+ save vs wounds suffered (that’s not an armor save, btw – think of it like old Feel No Pain). While a Big Mek with a Kustom Force Field provides nearby Orks with a 5+ invulnerable save vs shooting. Again, those two saves STACK. The last teaser Reece had for Orks is that the Warboss WAAGH! ability allows Orks units within 6″ to charge even if they advanced (ran). The ‘Ere We Go rule allows Orks to re-roll failed charge distances, too. You mix all that in your orky tool box and you’ve got the recipe from some mighty fine Krumpin!
“Hey you mentioned a lot of the Ork Characters already – but what about my favorite Weirdboyz?” You know, you’re right. Good thing Reece had something to say about them, too:
“…the Ork Weirdboy is a fantastic choice in the new edition, and one of his powers, Da Jump, is particularly awesome. It allows an Ork Infantry unit within 6″ of the Weirdboy to be teleported to any point more than 9″ away from enemy units on the battlefield (and remember, no more scattering!). This makes for quite the nasty surprise when a mob of 30 Ork Boyz appears behind enemy lines!”
Ork Players, I hope your ready to dust off some of your old favorites and come back to the table. The WAAGH is calling…