40K: Primaris Painting Primer

Fresh from Warhammer Fest–a Primaris Painting Primer. A Primeris, if you will.
The Primaris Marines are taking the galaxy by storm these days. With their new weapons, swanky armor, and doubly genetically enhanced bodies, they’ve got the tools they need to take apart the enemies of the Imperium. But what good is all that talent if they can’t look good while doing so? Well, fret no more! Warhammer Fest has produced some handy tips to help keep your Primaris Marines looking fighting fit and flashy.
via Warhammer Community
Narrative is as much a focus as new rules with the latest edition. These painting tips are as much about helping to tell the story of your chapter as they are about making your marines look amazing. I’m glad–I think the game benefits from all those little personal details. And I’ll be the first to admit, those are hard to pull off. But I think they’re important. It’s what made the people in Alien stand out from normal space dudes–they all had their own personalized kit. And I think anytime you see that flavor captured on the tabletop you just feel that much more invested in the game.
Also, seeing what GW’s internal painting/making scheme looks like is a great way to discern at a glance what mini is what in the pictures they run. I’d seen that stripey helmet before and now we know–that’s a Lieutenant. Sergeants have the Red Helmet, as you’l soon see.
The details on the knees look tricky enough as it is–makes you glad they’re bigger than normal models.
We’ve seen the Ancients before. And with a generic banner, I guess you could say that all their banner bearers are standard.
So there you have it. It looks like they’re really working on coming up with ways to customize your squads. I love the detailing especially around what looks like implants on the Primaris’ forehead. And of course, since each chapter will get access to Primaris Tech, you’ll be able to customize them even further for your army.
Happy Painting. Be sure to use GW Primaris Primer to Prime your Primaris, Primarily.