40K: More Primaris Space Marine Info

Games Workshop drops even more tidbits about the new Primaris Space Marines!
We got pretty excited around BoLS when we saw the full box contents of the new edition earlier this week. We also had some (not so) wild speculation about the new Primaris Space Marine units. Well now Games Workshop is back with even more teasey goodness for those new models!
via Warhammer Community
Space Marine Captain in Gravis Armour
“Every Space Marines army is going to want one of these guys at its head. Like all the Space Marines’ greatest commanders, he’s great at combat in all forms, hitting up close and at range on a 2+. That Gravis armour brings some benefits too. While lacking some of the impenetrable defence against small arms fire that Terminator armour brings, it makes up for that with an increased Toughness, meaning even heavy weaponry will struggle to bring him down easily. He has 6 Wounds, which is pretty solid too, though Characters generally have more Wounds in the new Warhammer 40,000 – even a lascannon will be lucky to kill him in a single shot.”
The Captain in Gravis Armour is an interesting take. Personally, I was thinking “Hey, they look like new Terminators” – I was wrong. However, that doesn’t mean that Gravis Armour doesn’t provide something special. While the basic save isn’t higher, it does add a point of Toughness to the character. The Character also has 6 wounds as well. That will help keep this Captain alive AND makes it different from Terminators.
I really like how GW is using the stats to represent the differences in the units with 8th so far. From what I’ve seen, it’s a good use of the stat blocks and it shows that they are trying to be creative with what folks are familiar with already.
The Captain also comes with an Iron Halo as well – so that 4+ Invulnerable save is still around. I also like his ability that helps friendly <Chapter> units re-roll 1s to hit. But let’s talk about his weapons for a minute:
His Boltstorm Gauntlet is basically an under-slung Bolt Pistol with the big exception that it’s 3 shots. It’s also a pistol which means he’s going to be cranking out the shots even when he’s within 1″ on an enemy! In Melee, it basically functions like a Powerfist as expected.
The Master-Crafted Power Sword is also interesting to me. It looks like the benefit of it being Master-Crafted is no long a re-roll to hit, but rather a bonus to the damage letting it cause 2 wounds. That would seem to be the go-to weapon most of the time in my mind, unless you’re fighting something very tough.
Inceptor Squad
“Next up, the Inceptor Squad, These guys are the Primaris Space Marines’ answer to a lot of things: they combine the speed of Assault Squads, the durability of units like Bikes and the ability to drop in from space mid-battle, AND they pack a fair combat punch as they make a charge. Oh, and those guns are basically hand held heavy bolters (albeit, with a much reduced range). We expect to see these guys in a lot of Space Marines armies very soon.”
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Uh…Holy crap. No wonder this unit is only 3 man. Someone please jump in here and correct me if I’m reading this wrong but if each Marine is equipped with TWO Assault Bolters that means this unit is the equivalent of 6 Heavy Bolters running around the battlefield at 18″ range. They have a 10″ move so that doesn’t seem to be that big of a draw back. Yeah…I’m going to run a few squads of these guys as soon as I can get my hands on the models.
We also get a look at the new version of “Hammer of Wrath” with the Crushing Charge ability. I personally really liked that old mechanic and think that it added something special for really fast units. I’m glad to see that it’s still around. Although this version is actually much more damaging – Mortal Wounds ignore all saves as far as we know. That could really smack a character around!
Let’s also not discount that whole not scattering thing – drop these guys in, unload a wall of Strength 5 Bolt shells with -1 AP and watch the models get added to the dead pile. Ye-haw!
Read the Full Breakdown from GW HERE
What do you think of these new Primaris Space Marine Stats? Are you ready to add them to your existing Space Marine Army or are you too old school for the new cool?