40K: Redemptor Dreadnought Showcase

The new Space Marine Redemptor Dreadnought was spotted at Warhammer Fest 2017 – Come take a closer look!
Warhammer Fest 2017 struck like a Tsunami and the effects are still washing-up on the shore. We got a teaser of the new Redemptor Dreadnought earlier but the completed model was also spotted at Warhammer Fest 2017 and one fan was quick with the camera on this one:
pics via Poxy Proxy Predator
So let’s talk weapons on the new dread.
Right Arm
Plasma Cannon – Probably not a plain old Cannon either…
Assault Cannon – Again, probably not a typical Assault Cannon. (It could be, the Assault Cannon was already pretty good, but that’s another topic)
Left Arm
Dreadnought Powerfist with under-slung weapons:
Some type of Flamer weapon
Smaller Rotatory Cannon
Hull Mounted Weapons
Missile Pod
Torso Mounted Twin Heavy Bolters (?)
Besides the ED-209 vibe, this Dreadnought is bringing some SERIOUS firepower to the board. It’s got 4 ranged weapon systems it can take plus the power fist in close combat. And we know that thanks to the new shooting rules it will be able to fire ALL of them either at the same target or different ones! And I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a melee variant in the works with two close combat weapons. I can’t wait to get my hands on this Dread – it’s going to be a monster.
What do you think of the new Redemptor Dreadnought? Any guesses on those fancy new weapons it’s got?