40K RUMORS: The Missing Death Guard Are Coming

People are wondering about some mysteriously missing Death Guard models. Here’s what the rumormill is saying.
GW released a set of great Death Guard pictures at Adepticon this year.
Missing in action
Have you seen me?
Nowhere to be seen.
Then this week they just unveiled the official images of the new Warhammer 40,000 Boxed Set. Here’s the Death guard minis within:
..and people said – “hey, where the heck are some of those awesome Death Guard models we saw earlier?”
Some rumormeisters have stepped in to answer the question:
via a reader on Faeit
“There are multi-part plastic kits coming for the Death Guard, Plague Marines and Terminators.. these are the 40K equivalent of Grave Wardens.
There are the Cultists and you already know about Mortarion.. and Typhus. Everything is based on MkIII Iron Armour, but it’s obviously warped and corroded and some of them have swollen limbs and guts protruding from them.”
As a longterm Death Guard hobbyist – I’m just a *little* excited…
~ You should pity your poor empty wallet. It’s going to be hungry.