40K: War Zone Cadia – Not Done Yet!

Cadia might have fallen, but the neighboring worlds haven’t -GW has more details about War Zone: Cadia!
Did you think Games Workshop was done with the Cadia system? Think again! Just because Cadia fell doesn’t mean the war is over – on the contrary, it’s just getting started! GW is back with more info on what is sure to be a hotbed of conflict for the new edition.
via Warhammer Community
Abaddon was successful though, and following the fall of Cadia (and possibly, because of it) a great warp rift rent the galaxy in half, allowing the forces of Chaos to launch their attacks across the entire length of the Imperium.
As they dispersed, though, their strength around the Cadian Sector – as well as in and around the Eye of Terror itself – thinned. Many warbands of Traitor Legionaries and renegades, some in direct disregard of the Despoiler’s orders, used the opportunity to bypass the defenders of the Gate entirely and launch their attacks on more vulnerable worlds elsewhere in the galaxy.
This has left huge numbers of Imperial defenders deployed around Cadia awaiting a coordinated Chaos second wave that may never come. There are whispers in Imperial Sector Command of the possibility of retaliatory strikes, of claiming back some territory lost in the recent war, and even of reclaiming the ruins of Cadia herself.
Read the full article HERE
There are legions of troops waiting to take the fight back to the enemy. Space Marines, Knight Houses, and the over 200 regiments of the Astra Militarum’s Cadian Shock Troops ready to enact some vengeance upon their foes. Could Games Workshop be setting the stage for a new summer campaign? It sure looks like a possibility to me. We have 3 zones of conflict, just like the AoS summer campaign did. We have lots of different planets to fight over as well…
From the sounds of things, the fight is just getting started.
Are you ready for the next chapter in the 40k saga? Which side are you going to fight for in the 40k Summer Campaign?